Day 136, 09:21 Published in Romania Romania by Pan Halippa

After taking in consideration that Moldova and Romania were the same country at one point in our history - ROMANIA, that in Moldova the majority of the population is romanian and speaks romanian, accordingly, wtih the historic right that every country has to decide his own fate, I, as president of eMoldova propose, in this article a referendum that eMoldova and eRomania unite in one country - called eRomania.
I ask pleasantly every citizen of Moldova to vote through a comment to this article if they agree or not.
Only present active citizens of eMoldova have the right to vote to this referendum. The new born, revived, or the people that move to our country after this article is posted don't have the right to vote.

In Romanian:
Buna ziua!
Avind in vedere ca Moldova si Romania au facut parte din aceeasi tara: Romania, avind in vedere faptul ca in Moldova majoritatea populatiei este de nationalitate romana si vorbeste romana, in dreptul istoric ca fiecare tara sa isi decida singura soarta, in calitate de presedinte al eMoldovei, propun, prin acest articol, referendum pentru eUnirea cu Patria Mama, eRomania!
Rog fiecare sa voteze la acest referendum pro sau contra printr-un comentariu la acest articol.
A se avea in vedere faptul ca drept de vot au doar cetatenii actuali ai eMoldovei. Cei care vor intra in joc mai tirziu de data aparitiei articolului nu au dreptul de a vota.

Pan Halippa, President of eMoldova