Tonight We Dine in...[Insert Rocky Montage]

Day 1,241, 15:14 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Proteus Labs

It's your friendly neighborhood stalker, and though this article isn't as serious as the last, I think i may use this paper a little more :3

This is a lulz article, fight when and wherever your government tells you to 😉

As you know, Slovenia is attacking our little pasture of Switzerland, you know what I say?

Or hell, whatever

There may be few of us, and many of them....a lot of them....holy shit a lot of them

but ya know, you guys got this...I mean, look at all the pretty pictures I included.

In the name of Renouille, PUT ON A COW COSTUME AND BUY A GUN

And Slovenia, we're armed and dangerous

or whatever...


Stay Sexy Switzerland
