What have I learned in eIndia ?

Day 1,231, 12:39 Published in India India by Patanjali
Namaste – I hate the formal „how do you do!” – because it is supoused to be a question 😃

Be aware ! this is not in english, but in my own dialect 😉, the Maniu culture is to come.

Whatever, this is not about RL indians but about eR indians, wich are ... very different.

Some of them are, or at least they where, greeks. Kalispera!
Very nice persons and very nice companions (one,especialy, was my talk partner for a long time on chat – and I have learned some, from him, about ancient mythologie).

A year ago, the serbs who entered #india where very radicals, unbalancend and a little rude. 😃 – at that time I was „op” on the chanel so ... no problem : ))

I also learned here that mighty old macedonians speak ... serbian 😮. Thys is wierd.
But they call it mother language (I do not like the referal to mothers tongues 😃)

Strangely, like in RL, I learned just very little about chinese. It is like they are all in some secret service or ... mobster 😃. I’m not sure yet.

In the preHistory of eR I have also learned that italians could be very trustfull persons (especialy those who like the strong „frulan” wine and make a radio) but, also, „invadors” (sure, they have complaints afterwards when „hrvatsky” treat them the same way 😃.

I learned that I could live in Karnataka without conquering it – this is a big leason for a former „empirial”.

The least but not the last, I learned that aussie (you know, those with red necks) are exceptionel scholars and could learn hindi better tham I could do 😃.

Well, for all those reasons, beside the pizzas delivered by my tea mate 😃, I like eIndia, an eCountry where you could acknowledge that people like Ash, miles and (even 😛) SRJ (damn, he is so good at trivia – or is he cheating ?) are real and not just a promise >o<.

Please, my friends (Anna – for some), indulge me, because I’m an old retired 😃

Vult Dei Sanctus Animus

My last article have been deleted 😃, God knows why. I hoppe this will endure.