Day 1,190, 16:30 Published in Singapore USA by Elizabeth Jones

Elizabeth Jones, Queen of eSingapore

Ever since I joined the New World back on July 15 2009, I have been fascinated and let down in many ways. The many stumbles and small victories that meant the world to me only adds to the experience of what me cherish. Dwelling on the past only keeps you in the past...that's why I represent the future. From this day forward, I am moving full steam ahead on this mission to reform eSingapore and make notice to the regime that has run our country to the point of nowhere that enough is enough. HANG IT UP! #flatscreen.

They don't want us to expand,

They don't have faith in our potential to grow,

They don't trust us to run our own country.

You can look at this as a PUBLIC DISCLOSURE NOTICE. It is time for the reign of Elizabeth Jones, Queen of eSingapore, to pour down freely into your veins. Do not miss this opportunity to enjoy true freedom in eSingapore.

eDemocracy is the key to equal success...