Interesting Basic Facts about Arabic.. بعض المعلومات عن اللغة العربية

Day 1,158, 15:07 Published in Egypt Egypt by Arab League

I have decided to write an Article about using Arabic, the Basic words that Arabs Usually Use, and how to understand Arabic better... Arabic is the Largest used Semetic Language, other Semetic Languages are Hebrew (Holy Language for Jews), Aramaic (Language used by Jesus), Assyrian, and Phonecian... their are 28 letters in Arabic, and is written from Right to Left...

some Usefull Arabic Words:

me - Ana
you - Enta, Anta
he - Howa
she -- Heya

Us - Ehna, Nehna, Nahnou (Differant accents)
you - Ento, Entom, Antom (Differant Accents)
they (m) - Homma
they (f) - Honna

Then comes the words of Most Used in Arabic, some you might know from Islam...

Inchallah - God willing, (Arabs use this, when they are gonna do something in the future)
Al'Salam Alaykom - Peace be upon you (Arabs use this to greet people)
Ma' Assalama - Peace be with you (Arabs Use this to farwell people)
Salam - is the abbriviated version of hi and bye, literally means Peace
Momken- Possibly (coupld be used as maybe, or instead of inchallah)
Mashi, Tyib, Hasanan - OK (it literally means good, kind, gentel, etc..)

Other Greetings in Arabic
Ahlan - Hello
Keefak - How are you
Esh Lonak - (who is your mood), literally, whats your color , but is meant for the mood
A'amel Eih - How are you Doing
Marhaba - Welcome
Saba'h el kheir - Good morning
Masa' el kheir - Good Evening
Tesba'h Ala Kheir - Wake up on Good things

now comes some information about the structure of Arabic...

The sectre behind Arabic being labelled as the Richest Language in the world, with over 4.5 Million Words, compared to 1.5 million in English... is that the Arabic Language, originally is based on roughly a few hundred thousand words, and from these words, meanings are deprived from.


==Katab (to write)==
Kitab - Book
Kateb - Writer
Kotob - Books
Maktaba - Library
Maktab - Desk
Kottab - KG
Maktoubah - Written
Maktoub - Envelop
Kotayib - pamphlet

==Rasama (to Draw)==
Rasmah - Painting
Marsoum - Drawed
Marsam - Paintin studio
Rassam - Painter
Marsoum - drawn
Tarseem - Demarcation

==Hamal (to lift)==
Mahmal - a celebration for the Ka'aba's Kiswa, that starts from Cairo
Mahmoul - Mobile
Hamel - Loader
Mohamal - Loaded
Tahmeel - Download/upload
Hammal - Lifter

etc... and the Examples go on in almost everything... then comes the names

Arabic is always shorter in size when writing a sentence or a book, for example

*Peter when to his School again, because he forgot to take him his Bag.
*رجع بيتر لمدرستة بعد نسيانة حقيبتة.
*Raja' Peter la'madrasateh ba'd nesyaneh hakeebatoh

the Word "to his school" in English can be summed up in one word in Arabic... La'madrasateh.

Arabic has a meaning for EVERYTHING, and this is why it is considered the richest
every fealing has a completely differant meaning, lets take differant meanings of the verb love in Arabic

حب - H'ob - simple love
عشق - E'shq - deep love
غرام - Gharam - unbreakable love
هوى - Hawah - fast love
نزوة - Nazwa - Love that goes
شوق - Shouq - love that is far

not only that, but Arabic has a Meaning to every object and situation too...

عيون - Eyoun - Eyese
رموش - Remoush - Eyelashes
جفون - Jefoun - Eyelids
حاجب - Hawajeb - Eyebrows

Arabs take alot of Pride in their language that they even nicknamed it several names, Language of Ddad (letter in Arabic not found in any other language), the Holy Language, the Language of God, and Muslims believe that Arabic is the Language used in Heaven by Angels...

their are over 360 Million Arabic Speaker, making it the 5th Largest Language on Earth, and it is one of the Three languages to be Used as a Lingua Franca during the Middle Ages, a Lingua Franca is a Language commonly used to communicate between differant Language speakers, English being the Modern Lingua Franca and Latin being the Pre-Arabic Lingua Franca...

Arabic has Also Influenced Several Modern Day major Languages, Especially Spanish, Portuguese, Swahili, Persian, Turkish, Indian, Indonesian, Malaysian, English, Italian and French.

some Very Famous words orginating from Arabic

Coffee - Qahwa in Arabic
Sugar - Sukkar in Arabic
Giraffe - Zaraffa
Algebra - Al-Jabr
Admiral - Amir Al-Bihar (Prince of the Seas)
Alcohol - Al-Kohl
Chemistry - Al-Kimiya
Arsenal - Dar Al-Sena'a (House of Industry)
Carat - Qeerat (used as a measurement)
Guitar - Qeethara (Arabic Invention in Andalusia)
Hash - Hasheesh (could mean Grass and Hash)
Luffa - Loufah
Magazine - Makhazin (Store House)
Orange - Naranj (originally Sanskritic)
Tuna - Al-Tuna (originally Greek from Thunnah)
Zero - Sifr (English word is from old Italian Zefro)
Traffic - Tafreeq (means to divide)

i Hope i have shed some basic information about the Arabic Language.
so if you liked the info here, or just wish to show support for more people getting familiar with Arabic... VOTE VOTE VOTE and SUB SUB SUB...



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