Rebuilding India

Day 1,121, 16:40 Published in India USA by India101

Brothers and sisters of India, now that we have successfully regained enough regions we must now

start the actual rebuilding of our country. This will be a very hard task but as previous events have

showed, Indian citizens can overcome anything. We must rebuild India polticaly, economically, and

diplomaticy. When all three of these are met we will be a prosperous nation. We need to urge our

politicians to take small steps toward our goals. Why vote if we don't even communicate with our

own politicians? They control the country just as we do. There will be no propsperity until that wall of

silence is broken between a man and his leader. Let us all unite citizens of india. If you are intrested

in talking to your polticians please mail me that way we can all express our opionons to the


Jai Hind