Knowing People - Conocer a la Gente

Day 128, 14:19 Published in Spain Spain by Zhuge Liang

Nada es tan complicado como descubrir la auténtica naturaleza de la gente. Aunque el bien y el mal son diferentes, sus condiciones y muestras no son siempre uniformes.

Existe gente que es buena, pero roba.
Algunos parecen respetuosos mientras se burlan de todo el mundo.
Algunos son valientes por fuera, pero cobardes por dentro.
Algunos se esfuerzan al máximo pero no son leales.

Conocer de verdad a una persona es difícil, pero existen formas de lograrlo.

Primero, pregúntales sobre el bien y el mal, para observar sus ideas.
Segundo, agota sus argumentos, para ver como cambia.
Tercero, consúltales sobre estrategia, para medir su perspicacia.
Cuarto, diles que hay problemas, para probar su valentía.
Quinto, emborráchalo para descubrir su auténtica naturaleza.
Sexto, ensalza sus logros, para comprobar su nivel de modestia.
Séptimo, encomiéndale una tarea que deba cumplir en un plazo específico, para descubrir si es digno de confianza.


Nothing is harder to see into people’s natures. Though good and bad are different, their conditions and appearances are not always uniform.

There are some people who are nice enough but steal.
Some people are outwardly respectful while inwardly making fools of everyone.
Some people are brave on the outside yet cowardly on the inside.
Some people do their best but are not loyal.

Hard though it be to know people, there are ways.
First is to question them concerning right and wrong, to observe their ideas.
Second is to exhaust all their arguments, to see how they change.
Third is to consult with them about strategy, to see how perceptive they are.
Fourth is to announce that there is trouble, to see how brave they are.
Fifth is to get them drunk, to observe their nature.
Sixth is to present them with the prospect of gain, to see how modest they are.
Seventh is to give them a task to do within a specific time, to see how trustworthy they are.