Hekter for Congress | Ministry of SEA Affairs (MoSEAA)

Day 1,099, 16:08 Published in Philippines USA by Hekter

I'm back, and running for Congress again, this time with the Bayanihans in Luzon! What challenges face us during the next month?

1. Deliberation of SEA
2. Significant immigration
3. Economic Changes
4. War with Singapore

What qualifies me to be your congressman?

1. I've been working extensively on SEA, and as I'll explore later in this article, have been named Minister of SEA Affairs by President Jelly. SEA is above all of us, and I think it will define the future of our country, as well as our neighbors.

2. Immigration will be a messy affair, as we deal with possible SEA immigrants, as well as a friendly foreign group teaming up with us. I plan to work on making sure our congressmen are organized and rubber-stamp the right people.

3. Changes are coming to eRep, and with my activity you can be assured that I'll be working with the Jelly administration and the rest of Congress to make sure we adapt to the changing times.

4. I support the end of the war with Singapore. We're getting very little from it other than headache and high food prices 😛

With that said, I hope to grace our chamber in the future!


Today Jelly formed the MoSEAA, which will handle the Philippine's side in dealing with the SEA proposal. Along with my Co-MoSEAA, Shnipe, Through the next few days, we will be working with fellow SEA candidate nations to determine the feasibility of the proposal and, if it will exist at all, help organize its creation.

This will not be an easy process, and there are many questions to answer. Tomorrow I hope to come out with a SEA Possibilities Compendium, which will go over even more data related to what could happen, as well as go over new arguments brought up in favor and against the creation of SEA. Look for it! Additionally, we'll be meeting with the various Heads of Government in Malaysia and Singapore after Congressionals to hash over the voter data and see where we can go from there.

Each day is important! Let us all work for the betterment of each and every one of us in all our nations!
