On the Matter of a Monarch: UPDATED AND REVISED

Day 127, 08:04 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Titus

While we may be members of the eUnited Kingdom, it has come to my attention that our great nation and its citizens are lacking in a crucial part of what makes us the United Kingdom: we do not have a monarch.

I move that, first, we establish a position of Monarch; the position, whether held by man or woman, will act as Regent by gracing social, regional, diplomatic and political events with their presence. While the populace of the eUK will retain the full right to elect a government, and for that government to appoint ministers and elect regional leaders, the Monarch shall act to dignify the actions of the eUK in all things. The Monarch will not be able to appoint any person to any position, governmental or otherwise, and the person elected shall not hold any other office.

Second, that this person will be elected on the Fifth of each month, via a majority of 'yay' votes.Whether the election shall be held on these forums or somewhere in eRepublik shall be decided at a later point.

Special provisions to the second part of the motion: the first elections should be held ASAP (dependent on the passage of this motion), and the first monarch should be allowed to reign until the 5th of May.

tl;dr: We oughta have royalty (strictly powerless), we should elect 'em every fifth of each month (except for the first time, which oughta be ASAP),and they should go until May 5th.

[a url=http://uker.forumotion.com/general-forum-f31/move-to-establish-a-monarch-t588.htm]VOTE HERE[/a]