New to Erepublik?

Day 1,073, 12:49 Published in Belgium Belgium by Glenn Wauters

Hello there,

Are you new to Erepublik?
Then you have to be confused about what this game is

At the start it may be very complicated, but if you read this, most of it will become clear
If you dont want to read all the article, you can also skip parts and look for parts you are interested in

Chapter I: Keeping yourself alive
First things first, keeping yourself alive, is pretty important in this game
However if it should happen that you die after a while, you still can come back and ressurect your dead citizen to 50 health.

You probably took a job already on the job market, if you havent yet, then make sure you go work in a Q1 company if you dont want to lose too much health (you can see how much health you have under the national flag on the left of your screen)

Lets overlook what basic things you will have to do in a day
Day 1
You just registered
1. Find a job, and work (dont forget to select the free booster)
2. Go train (further in this article I will explain the difference between skills)
3. Buy some food on the food market (to do this go to Market -> Marketplace and select Food and immediately press Show results)
4. Recover the health you lost by clicking on the Eat Food-button (under your health)
HINT!!!!! You can also go straight to the food market by pressing the Buy food button if you havent got any food in your inventory
5. We call it a day, well done

Day 2
1. Buy some food (if you have money left) and recover the health you lost during the night
2. Go work at the highest possible health so you get the highest possible productivity (making as much stuff as possible)
3. Go train (adviced to take the same skill you trained yesterday)
4. Recover all your health

It is important to keep your health high, you do this by buying food from the market
You lose health by working, training and during the night

1. By working
The higher the quality of the company you work in, the more welness you lose
Quality is indicated by a number of stars
1 star = Q1
When working in a Q1 you lose 1 health
so: Q1 = -1 health
Q2 = -2 health
Q3 = -3 health
Q4 = -4 health
Q5 = -5 health

2. By training
You train to become stronger, and when you become stronger you can defeat more opponents
You lose 1 health point no matter what skill you train

3. During the night
When it is 0:00 Erepublik time, everyone in the E-world loses 4 health points (except when they have a house, explained further)
When it is 0:00 in erepublik, it is 9:00 in Belgium (GMT+1)

How to gain health
1. Food
As I said before, eat food and you will gain health
Go to the marketplace to buy food

2. Houses
This is more an option for players who have a lot of money
Houses are expensive, and thus not affordable for young, new players
Houses recover a lot of health every night, they recover more health then you lose during a regular day
This is why houses are mostly sold in countries where a lot of war occurs

3. Other
You can also gain health in other ways, but these arent adviced
You can buy welness packs, but they cost 0.5 gold for 20 health, you better buy food, because food is far more cheaper then these packs

Chapter II: THIS... IS... BELGIUM!!!
This will take care of the war aspect of the game

War is the main driver of the economy in erepublik, without war all economy would be destroyed

But you arent interested in economy, you just want to kill some peoples

1. Health
It is very important to know how to fight, but it is even more important when to know when to stop to fight
Never fight more then you have health
Each battle consumes 10 health, no matter what damage you do
So basic you can fight to 20 health, but you have to buy food then to raise it back up

RULE 1: Never fight if you dont have the money OR the food to fight and heal back up

Player A has 100 health and fights 3 times, he is down to 70 health, he buys enough food on the food market to get back to 100 (wich means 15xQ1, 7,5(😎xQ2,...)
He uses his food and is back up to 100 health

Food limit Keep in mind that there is a food limit, you can heal max 300 health with food
Player B has healed himself up already for 300 health and fights again, he loses 10 health wich can only be recuperated by using Health kits (0.5gold/use)

2. Battlefield
When you go to the battlefield you will see two bars on top, this is how the battle is going, when the bar is over 50% for one side, that side is winning
Under the blue and red bar you see names with numbers
These are players fighting for a side and the numbers represent the amount of "influence" they have done
Under the main countries flags you can see some kind of "crown", these "crowns" represent the amount of fights a side has won in a battle
A country has to win 8 fights to win the battle, each fight takes 2 hours
The players from each side with the highest influence are shown in the corners under the flags
These players will receive a battlehero medal when they stay in that position untill the end of this fight (min 8 BH for each side per battle)
Under the number of influence of the BH on the left you see your own influence

Next you see is your own avatar and name with your health bar
You fight in fake pvp, why fake pvp? Simple, because the enemy isnt fighting back, the enemy wont even notice you defeated him, because he wnot lose a single health
Anyway, in my screen I got an opponent that was already weakened, you see that we arent carrying weapons, you see however the shadows of the weapons we have the best skill in
When equiping a weapon you will do more damage

You will only give influence to the battle when you defeat your opponent, so if you are low on health and can only fight one more time against a full health player, then dont as it will be a wasted 10 health

You have a food button you can press on when you have food in your inventory, next to it is the health kit (0.5g/use), wich is totally not adviced to use
Then you have the pretty self-explaining fight-button, and on the right you have the so called, noobtube, in exchange for paying one gold, you will blast your opponent away in one shot

Chapter III: Where are my monies?
I talked a lot about gold, but, how to get gold?
You cant make gold by working it seems, and yes, you are correct
You gain gold in several ways
You can collect gold from treasure maps, when you open a treasure map you will have the choice between three X's, each one will give a different amount of gold, you can only choose one of these X's
Most treasure maps are received by getting a medal, you can see how many medals a player has by going to his profile page

You can get a treasure map by:

* working 30 days in a row (Hard worker medal)
* get elected to congress (Congress Member medal)
* winning Presidential elections (Country President medal)
* gaining 1000 subscribers to your newspaper (Media mogul medal)
* reaching highest total damage in battle (Battle hero medal)
* liberating region (Resistance Hero medal)
* inviting 10 friends to eRepublik and helping them to reach level 10 (Society Builder)
* leveling up (reaching level 6 and from level 16 and higer)

You also receive gold when a friend (invited by you) collects some gold from a treasure map, so it is highly adviced to invite your friends to play the game

You can use gold on several things
Go here to find out what you can do with gold

You can exchange gold on the monetary market, but you will have to reach level 12 before you are able to exchange gold on the market

Chapter IV: Meyn Waarrrde landkenoten (My dearest citizen)
The community, also very important
Most decissions in politics in erepublik are made on forums, also community activities are created there
Erepublik doesnt quit on the site, it goes way beyond that, the community aspect of the game is one of the reasons why so many players keep playing the game
If you want to go to the Belgian forum, then click this link, register an account and say hello in the introduction topic

Chapter V: Kspreekek ik wel ni goe Engels zie (I dont speak so well english)
This is because in Belgium arent only Real Belgians, but also other nationalities, such as Americans for example
Belgium has been occupied in the past by several countries (yes idd, you can occupy whole countries in this game)
Belgium is an international community, but as you will see we have several people publishing articles in French and Dutch
I would love to post this article in Dutch, but it is kinda long to translate it, and my french isnt what it used to be 😃

But as you can see, even King Albert from Belgium plays this game
Also Bart de Wever, however, he is dead, but thats what some people want isnt it?

Anyway, if you read the whole article, I have to congratulate you for your courage to even start reading this article
It isnt interesting for new players to read very long lines, but I will make it up to you
More below are some pictures of the beauties of Belgium
(Do not scroll firther if you are 13 years or younger)

I normally dont ask for this, but this is kinda my masterpiece of all articles I ever wrote, so please vote this up

