NX's Views on the Provisional Government

Day 1,056, 19:26 Published in New Zealand USA by Necros Xiaoban

Dear Sweet New Zealand,

We're now several days into the start of our new nation, and things are going great. New Zealand has not only outperformed every other nation that was recently created, but is outperforming several other long-established nations.

How did New Zealand pull so far ahead? We certainly aren't in the sort of situation that the Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) is, where there are multiple groups vying for power over real life issues. By all measures, the real New Zealand is a sleepy land where sheep outnumber people ten to one. How then did we do it?

I personally give a lot of the credit to the so-called Provisional Government of New Zealand. A diverse group of people from multiple international backgrounds, they came together and organized those hopeful of emigrating to our new home. Where I had only dreamed, they built forums, brought people together on IRC, and began assembling a team to prepare this nation for the day when we have elected leaders, and safeguard it against foreign interests until then.

I think many of us saw New Zealand as a power vacuum that we could quickly step into and quickly take up positions of leadership and responsibility that were not available to us in our former home countries. I know I personally was chagrined to not be nominated for the position of provisional Prime Minister. While I have interacted with Myles Robinson multiple times across multiple administrations, in both executive and parliamentary capacities, the two of us never became what I would consider friends. If I could not personally be Prime Minister, surely it would be preferable to have one of my own hold the position.

Quickly I realized that regardless of how I feel about Myles Robinson on a personal level, as a leader of a new nation he is nigh close to perfect. An excellent organizer he has quickly put together a team to handle all aspects of a country's administration, drawing on all backgrounds, and that team has performed better than I could possibly have imagined.

In addition to his administrative skills I consider Myles to be a top level diplomat, one of few who is able to consider what is best for New Zealand, and put aside the prejudices of that nation in which he was born. Repeatedly during the early days of planning for New Zealand Myles would ask me to make small amendments to my posts or articles to keep from presenting my own biases in a way which could prejudice other nations against New Zealand.

As for how effective the provisional government has been, I think the results speak for themselves:

New Zealand 268 Citizens
Bolivia 265 Citizens
Denmark 254 Citizens
Singapore 240 Citizens
Austria 221 Citizens
Czech Republic 202 Citizens
North Korea 197 Citizens
Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) 187 Citizens
Malaysia 175 Citizens
Cyprus 140 Citizens
Republic of China (Taiwan) 124 Citizens
Belarus 119 Citizens
Montenegro 85 Citizens

New Zealand 54 Companies
Republic of China (Taiwan) 18 Companies
Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) 18 Companies
Belarus 15 Companies
Cyprus 15 Companies
Montenegro 7 Companies

New Zealand 99 Newspapers
Republic of China (Taiwan) 74 Newspapers
Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) 37 Newspapers
Cyprus 37 Newspapers
Montenegro 32 Newspapers
Belarus 27 Newspapers