Presidential Cabinet \o/

Day 1,052, 12:10 Published in Philippines USA by Jelly9473

As Promised, I'm releasing my presidential cabinet today 🙂

President - Jelly9473
Vp-Mr. Knoll/Keegan Knoll
Minister of Foreign Affaris - CplUseless
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs - Sigurd Aasen
Ministers Of Defense - PDS, Jootli
Department of Home Affairs - Revilo X
Minister of Interior Affairs/Department of Education - Elari Reili
Ministers of Merriment - PDS, Anarchist, Secret Lady
Head of Trolling/Propoganda - Niall H
Secret Leader of the Philippines Armed Forces - BattalGazi
Secret Lady of ePhilippines - Secret Lady that requested not to have a title. You now have two. muhahaha

Now That Things are slightly off to a start and people are settling into their office it's time to get the ball rolling and the government working!

If you are interested in being a Player Mentor as part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Internal Affairs Please contact Elari Reili Here

I have begin discussion with Nicholas2000 (The President of eMalaysia) about having war games and about how we can improve eAsian relations. Things are looking good and I'm loooking forward to getting started 😉

Good luck, and if you have any questions for me please comment below!

-Jelly9473, that one guy.