The Road to the Capitol: September 21

Day 1,036, 12:46 Published in USA USA by Rod Damon Was Right

Just a reminder to all potential candidates for Congress and Party Presidents.

The top parties are expected to participate in the FEC ATO Program.

September 21 REPORT

Top Parties : Presidents

United States Workers Party : Fionia
Federalist Party : Greene12
Amerikan Dioist Front : rainy sunday
United Independents Party: Justin McCravok
Amer. Defense and Trade Party: Indrae
Not A Pizza Party: Claire Littleton

As is practice, all six party presidents have been contacted to participate in the FEC Congressional program.


A copy of the worksheet listing all candidates and the regions they are to run in can be found at

Current Membership Numbers

United States Workers Party

Federalist Party

Amerikan Dioist Front

United Independents Party

Amer. Defense and Trade Party

Not A Pizza Party


The party formerly known as S.E.E.S. is now the Amerikan Dioist Front. This should not be confused with one of the vanity parties that co-opted the name S.E.E.S.

The Conservative Party after overcoming its PTO by Phoenix collaborators has been renamed the Not A Pizza Party.


The USA still has 61 parties.

While we appreciate the need for individuality and wanting to make your presence known, game mechanics make it that only the top 5 parties are able to participate. Having too many parties makes our country vulnerable to political warfare and given the drop in population, we need to pull together and strengthen our defense against political attacks.

We need excellent parties that rock. For every party that we get rid of, I will add one additional excellent party shot.


If you are interested in helping out by becoming an FEC Blocker, please send a pm and we will forward the sign up link.

If you wish to be a blocker for a party, both the ADF and the ADTP are still in need of blockers.

We are still looking for people to help report information and provide commentary on the election. Please contact us if interested.

Please read this article'>GUIDE TO POLITICAL WARFARE

and this one

Remember America, get involved to help protect our elections.