NX Announces Moar Cabinet

Day 1,013, 13:32 Published in USA USA by Necros Xiaoban

Dear Sweet America,

The out pouring of interest in my Presidential Cabinet has been staggering. The number of people willing to sacrifice their time for the betterment of our great nation has left me weeping bitter tears. I love you guys.

That said, I simply couldn't offer a position to all of you. There were just too many great candidates, and not enough positions, but I intend to work with my Cabinet to get as many of you appointed as deputy Secretaries or program directors as I possibly can.

Without further ado, allow me to introduce the rest of my Cabinet.

Secretary of Secretaries

The perfect compliment to my Chief of Staff Bradley Reala, Angelini has graciously accepted my invitation to be my Secretary of Secretaries. Goddess and Light of the Earth, a three time Secretary of Defense, and the Pink Power Ranger, Angelini knows how to get it done.

Secretary of Remedial Education

Sometimes you forget what you've forgotten, and that's why I've brought in Justin McCravok and his magical Keyblade. Using the magic of his sword he will unlock the hearts of men and reveal the truth hidden within. Or something like that. I dunno, I've never played Kingdom Hearts, but I know Justin to be a stand up kind of guy.

Secretary of Foreign Propoganda

For too long our enemies have repeatedly trolled our media. For too long we have been bent over the whipping post. Haliman will be in charge of boldly attacking our enemies' media, trolling them into the ground. With the pen, not the sword, he will strike them down from their high places, and lay them low. Demoralized and dejected they will fall before us, and be swept away by our might.

Secretary of Fun

Michael Lodziana is a real stand up kind of guy. The kind who isn't afraid to write an article for no other reason then he can. To tell a joke without a punch line, or write a song without a harmony. That's why I've brought Michael on as my Secretary of Fun. Our nation sometimes forgets to do stuff just for the hell of it, because we're too busy doing all the stuff we have to do, and miss out on the stuff we want to do.

Secretary of Media

George Armstrong Custer is a Hero of America, and a major player in the American media. A man of strong convictions, I believe Custer will be a tremendous asset as I work to maintain constant communication with you, the People.

Secretary of Seriousness

Max McFarland 2. When I was young in the world I had the chance to talk to this man, and I walked away from that conversation with a renewed sense of perspective. MM2 had been in talks with Phoenix, which to me amounted to sacrilege, but MM2 doesn't see things in terms of betrayal. For the man who has invested so much of his own hard earned income, MM2 is able to see eRepublik as game perhaps better than anyone. To MM2, its all about trying to have fun. Why so serious, then? Because MM2 believes he can make this fun, and if anyone can do it, Max MacFarland can.

Thanks again to everyone who has agreed to join my cabinet. To those of you who applied and weren't selected, don't fear. My cabinet secretaries are going to need eager citizens willing to assist them as we push our national goals, and there will be plenty of opportunity for everyone to join in.

Necros Xiaoban
POTUS June 2012