The new aid mechanism and SLAVIC UNION news 23. 6. 2010

Day 946, 11:59 Published in Slovakia Slovakia by Hochelus">">

Hello, dear friends and supporters of Slavic Union!
In today's news we will talk about the situation with our propagators and new project of Slavic Union...
Don’t forget to vote and sub😉


At this time we have 5 active propagators. Paul SE II from Russia, Siepraw Twardostoj from Russia, GerasimM from Ukraine, Assen from Bulgaria and Pivo sk from Slovakia. We are looking for new propagators from Bosnia and Hercegovina, Croatia, Czech republic, Serbia and Slovenia! Propagators are very important persons, because they keep connection among the Union and comunity in their countries. For more informations you can contact us here, or on our Official forum.

SLAVIC UNION aid mechanism

But the today’s information number 1 is, that today we have started the new project, that will help our current, but also incoming members. Project called SLAVIC UNION Aid Fund.

What is it? The SLAVIC UNION Aid Fund is mechanism, thanks which we are now able to help our members with low wellness, or donate them with food in case, that they can’t do it themselves. We guarantee 10 free gifts per week for all lvls under 15, who are members of Union (means registered on forum) for at least 1 week! It will work (from today) nonstop so, that you will send your request here and donate required amount of gold to the SLAVIC UNION Aid Fund. Then our team will process your request and send you goods as soon as possible. In the future (when we will have elected delegates and so...), the Union will also donate free food for all it's members in case they need it. Remember, that you have to be a member of Slavic Union to use this feature!

Important links

SLAVIC UNION secretariat
Official forum of SU
Slavic Union charter
Petition for adding Belarusia Macedonia and Montenegro

SU avatars:
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Poland, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine
Belarusia, Macedonia, Montenegro

Join Slavic Union today! Send friend request to our organisation, register on official SU fourm and join the great comunity!

Grof Tocaky
General Secretary">">