Czech Solidarity Movement

Day 908, 06:37 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic by Frank Zafka

As President of the Czech Solidarity Movement I am setting forth this party platform for the upcoming congressional and presidential elections.

1. We believe in a free and sovereign Czech Republic where the citizens can decide their own fate without foreign entanglements.

-- With every election there is a threat of takeover from foreign nationals who attempt to bring their own influence to bear on our elections. While we respect their views, we ask that they keep their opinions to the proper forums: through embassies and articles. Czech policy should be decided by true eCzech citizens, and by that I mean citizens whose first priority is the success of the Czech Republic, not the machinations of a previous nation from which they've immigrated. Some foreign nationals may be elected to the congress, but we ask that they respect the will of the Czech people and work towards the continued advancement and prosperity of all Czechs.

-- We do not support the unification of Czech Republic and Slovakia, but we support the continued strengthening of the Czechoslovakian Legion, and the training wars between our states. The concern is that moves toward unification have continued to weaken the Czech Republic without any real ideas as to how unification would occur. While unification is a pipe-dream, we support the shared forum and the continued cooperation between our countries. Unification under the Slovakian flag would limit a baby boom.

Please view this site:

Internet World Stats

It shows the the Czech Republic has twice as many internet users as Slovakia in RL. Meaning that there is twice the number of people that are potential eCzech citizens than eSlovak citizens. And while I respect my Slovakian brothers, they must admit that Slovakia does not capture the imaginations of foreigners in the same way that the Czech Republic does.

-- We demand that Romania return the stolen money and actively assist us in the rebuilding of the nation. While it's understood that the Romanian government did not have direct control over those who perpetrated the theft, they have not punished the violators either, nor have they been proactive in assisting us as we try to recover from the damage.

2. We believe in Economic Solidarity: that those with the greatest ability must help those with the greatest need.

-- The Czech Republic will only survive if we pool our resources and work together. Currently, we can't finance our own baby boom. We haven't the ability to start and maintain the state companies that will provide work to our babies. This is why we need to create the Czech Investment Fund. I invite our richest citizens to buy as many shares as they can, thereby showing their commitment to the nation and helping it grow.

Please review this spreadsheet which shows how listing the Czech National Bank on the eRepublik Stock Exchange could raise money for the rebuilding of our nation.">CNB ERX Spreadsheet on google docs

With a solid advertising campaign and investment from as many local people as possible, we will be able to create and maintain the companies we need, employ our babies, and offer a solid RETURN ON INVESTMENT for all investors. This needs to be done. It's imperative to the future of our nation, and we can't support a baby boom with out it.

-- The tax structure should encourage imports while still providing local companies a competitive edge. This means low import taxes, lower income taxes, and a moderate VAT.

Income Tax Import Tax VAT

food 3% 5% 5 %

gift 3% 5% 5 %

weapon 3% 5% 5 %

moving tickets 3% 5% 5 %

grain 30% 1%

diamonds 50% 1%

iron 30% 1%

oil 50% 1%

wood 30% 1%

house 5% 10% 5 %

hospital 1% 1% 1 %
defense system 1% 1% 1 %

Join the movement! Subscribe to this newspaper and be a part of the next wave in Czech politics by joining the Czech Solidarity Movement Party!

Thank you,
Frank Zafka
Czech Congressman and Czech Solidarity Movement Party President.