Platform: What New Africa is all about

Day 899, 07:11 Published in South Africa South Africa by Dustin Wetdewich

Our main goal is to teach new players the game so they can get through the ranks as fast as their own drive and potential will take them. New players can develop with us in any way they see fir, we have economists, politicians and military masters wrapped in our ranks.

Core value of our party must be that Newbies must have a voice through our organisation, people are judged here on their abilities and not their in game level. We push able players through. Our first elections we had 5 congress members, 3 of which were 1st timers. New players have a voice with New Africa.

Why is New Africa great? We offer a voice to anyone who has an opinion, whether you've been playing for a month a day or a year your opinion counts. a New player's voice can get lost in the greater eSA scheme of things but newbies can let their ideas take root here at New Africa, and then we present a united front in eSA. Alone we are weak but united nothing can break us.

There are many benefits of joining New Africa within a smaller community we are all close and we help each other out. We also have a gifts company working, so there is work and gifts if you need them when your wellness is low. New Africa is like a large group of mentors, not only mentoring the newbies but mentoring each other, we learn from each other and feed of other member's knowledge, this makes anyone learn faster and rank up faster. making for well all round citizens.

Come have a look on our forum if New Africa is a place you would like to call home.