eUNL Awards: (April) here are the winners....

Day 887, 13:50 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by The Awards
eUNL Awards: April" />

You can still vote in the congress election but here are the results of the most important election within eUNL

Because of sponsorship we are able to hand out nearly 5 Gold in prizes!
- The winner of the category with the most votes overall (Avatar) -> 3 Gold (Klato)
- The winner of Best Newspaper / Publisher -> 1 Gold (Deviltje)
- The winner of Upcoming citizen -> 75NLG + 7 Q2 Weapons (NKCSS)
- The runner-up of Upcoming citizen -> 25NLG + 3 Q2 Weapons (Markus Bell)

And here are the winners:

Politician of the Month (congress) [31 votes]
- Deviltje (52😵

Citizen of the Month (non-congress) [30 votes]
- AndreasIsaksson (60😵

Upcoming citizen of the Month [33 votes]
- NKCSS (55😵
- Markus Bell (runner-up, 36😵

Best Newspaper (Publisher) [26 votes]
- Deviltje's thoughts (Deviltje) (38😵

Best Avatar (forum & ingame) [37 votes] - GOLD CATEGORY
- Klato (38😵">

Spammer of the Month [26 votes]
- Theneka (65😵

Best Employer/Company/General Manger [28 votes]
- Turbo Turbo Food / Auggustus (68😵

Gold category
The Best Avatar category recieved most votes. A total of 37 votes. The winner of this category (Klato) will recieve the gold prize. Thank to our sponsers this month the gold prize is 3 Gold. This month there are also prizes in other categories, all made posible by our sponsors!

The Awards Organization
The Awards is the new Org hosting the eUNL Awards. The nomination article was the last article at the old newpaper (DND News).
Some backgroundinfo on the new Org can be found here. Please vote, subscribe and become friend (and/or sponsor) of The Awards.

Our location on the eUNL community forum:" />

The eUNL Award also has a awards wiki page to list historical nominees and winners.

SPONSORS" height="65px" />" />" />" />" />
An introduction into the new Org can be found here. Please vote, subscribe and become friends (and/or sponsor) of The Awards!

Large sponsor" height="180px" />
V.O.C. Weapons, Dutch quality weapons!

Prizes are made possible by our sponsors. If you would like to sponsor the eUNL Award show then contact us.

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