Pre Election UK Bashing Designed to Get Me Votes

Day 884, 17:44 Published in Ireland Ireland by Anthony Colby

Hello fellow citizens. It is good to be back in Ireland after being deployed to the far corners of the world in an effort to help our friends and allies keep their homes free. With the upcoming election on Sunday, the first thing I did, even before heading home and unpacking, was to go and register as a candidate for the Dail. As a member of the IDF I fight for Ireland but I can also fight for Ireland as a member of the government.

Condescending attitude of the UK

How many times has this happened to you. You go and write a perfectly good newspaper article that shows your plans for the future, your love of Ireland, your favorite music or even why someone should vote for you in an election and out of nowhere, BAM, UK trolls descend on your comments section like vultures. Why do they do this? Have they nothing better to do? Well I guess the press in the UK is so inferior that those in the UK who want to read quality work have to read our papers.

Well most of these comments made by the citizens of the UK have an attitude. A condescending attitude. Condescending is defined as :"showing or implying a usually patronizing descent from dignity or superiority". Now being condescending is one thing, especially if you have earned dignity or superiority, but what dignity or superiority does the UK have? First, we keep hearing that we "took" Northern Ireland from them. Wrong. We entered into an agreement with Norway to gain the region from them after Norway and her allied defeated the UK. Then the UK went and elected a Prime Minister who ran on the platform of taking Dublin from Ireland after taking the high oil region that Norway possesses. Well they failed in that one too. After cheating to deprive Norway of her alliances and the Admins intervening, the UK had lost. We are still waiting for the UK to push the button. Then the UK went and pushed a button. The embargo button. Wow. That hurt.

Now the message in the UK trolling comments is that they never meant to attack Ireland. Oh really. Sounds like another failure to me. Since things didn't go as we planed we will act like we never really were going to do it in the first place. Just kidding. Nope, just failing.

Lastly we hear that the poor, deluded Irish citizens across the water take this too seriously. We are so mad and up in arms while the good people of the UK know this is all a joke and have a good laugh. The Irish will tire of it soon and do something stupid like attack the UK or something. Well guess what. I think this is fun. I know it is all a joke. I do not take it seriously. All in good fun. I don't make things personal and call names when I don't get my way. I and my fellow Irish citizens can take a joke. Can you UK?

By the way, Northern Ireland is rightfully ours and we will be taking possession in the future. Just to let you know.

And one more thing. The UK and Ireland are tied in battles over Northern Ireland. We won one and you won one. Since you are the great military powerhouse and we are the tiny pathetic weakling that makes us look very good and you not so much.

Let the Trolling Begin.
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