A disturbance

Day 880, 03:55 Published in Denmark Bulgaria by HrBjorn

Yeah. You thought that HrBjorn would talk about things in Denmark and such. He will. But that is not the primary subject of this article.
HrBjorn has an announcement that undoubtedly will shift the awesome of Northern Europe.

HrBjorn has chosen to go out in the world on a mission, a mission similar to the mission the whole of Denmark was under when we was "invaded" by Sweden. HrBjorn is going to civilize and awesomize Thailand.
We all know that Thailand is a miserable place, just like Sweden. We all know that eThais are a miserale bunch of funk. HrBjorn will try to change this. By showing a great example of how you should behave. By showing a great example of awesome. In short, by HrBjorn residing in Thailand.

It is however sad for Denmark, you will lose HrBjorn for some time. But don't worry, HrBjorn will still see the Danish media and still be active. Also, he is completely sure that his followers in Denmark will hold the awesome level as high as possible without HrBjorn being there.

and speaking of Denmark, why are you(Serbs) starting to call the longtime eDanes for PTO'ers? That's just stupid. It's like going to real life Thailand, getting a prostitute and be surprised that there was a little more in the pants than you paid for.