Personal Statement and National Front Austria Manifesto

Day 869, 11:16 Published in Austria Japan by Alfred Ball

Personal Note
Yes that is right the N.F.A. is being recreated and reorganized. I know there will be some overall fears and maybe even some fear mongering from individual people. These people are completely within there rights and I will not harbor and grudges or blame as this is completely understandable. There is no real way to express how sorry I am that I myself have really in essence screwed Austria over. But there has been good that I have done in Austria and the N.F.A. in general. We provided skill 0 jobs for new people until they reached level 7. We provided private mentoring programs for these people who joined up to the company, this involved letting them know how to use the hospital system efficiently as well as getting the most out of there wellness.

I would again like to help Austria for the better by doing these things and many more things for the eAustrian community. That being said I vow the N.F.A. will abstain in any country presidential elections until we feel that we are ready to run a candidate who will only have eAustria's best interests at heart. Only endorsements to candidates we are sure have worked hard and deserve the endorsement of another party and its Austrian peers.

National Front Austria (NFA) is a party for eAustrians of all backgrounds of any nature. We are a party built on ones love for the country. We are party of nationalist and patriots of all sorts. We do not all have to agree on one thing the alliance debate is a heated topic within our own hierarchy but at the end of the day we can all agree that we love our country and shake hands.

Political Beliefs
National Front Austria is a party that believes in betterment of all eAustrians that all citizens be given equal opportunities and this includes a good pay through non-profit party run jobs to show give them incentives to stick around. We support patriots who are not willing to sell regions for a long period of time. We will back any candidate no matter how small the candidate is as long as he has shown consistency in his beliefs and are not only ideal to what the NFA's likes but more in tune with what is needed for eAustria.

Military Structure
We believe in a military structure that is simple and takes it orders directly from the government mainly being the Minister of Defense and the Minister of Defense then takes it orders from the president and the president from the very people who put him in charge. The N.F.A. believes in several different corps being installed to the military, such as a National Guard which will only fight within our borders with MPP's for allies, and a Mechanized Infantry for use to be deployed on the dime to other countries in need or requesting assistance. A strong military will reflect proudly on our small nation and to the rest of the eWorld. We believe all citizens should do their part in the armed forces whether it be the home front or abroad. All members within the National Front Austria will be asked to sign up immediately regardless of who the Minister of Defense is, and do their party for our beloved country.

Economical Beliefs
National Front Austria is a supporter of state controlled companies such as Iron companies in a neutral country that will support stabilize certain economic sectors which will in turn drive prices up or down within the country itself depending on the world market. We support a state funded manufacturing jobs for new people who join the game at 1 ATS in case there are none on the market to help our babies grow. More will be added into this section of the manifesto as my knowledge and time progresses.

The leadership will be broken down into a council and at the head of the council the Party President. The leadership will most definitely be discussing all major things within the party. There will be 5 members to leader this council, at the time of the month where the party president is elected so will be the council members. The council members are subject to change in number depending on growth/decline in members. Presidential endorsements will also be decided on by the council however regular recognized member's input will always be encouraged.

This is a rough copy of our manifesto, anymore question I would be happy to answer directed in the comment section or personal messages.

Alfred Ball