Ministerial Interview with IrishPrincess

Day 866, 10:57 Published in Ireland Ireland by LordoIrish

Hello and welcome to an Interview with Ministress of New Citizens and Health IrishPrincess

1. Hello IP how are you doing

-The Princess is well, thanks 🙂

2. So Princess would you indulge our readers and tell us what it's like being MoNC

-Being the Ministress of New Citizens is a very rewarding experience. You get to work with eBabies and make a lot of new friends. It's great when a new citizen becomes a very active, well-known character and I can say I was his/her first friend 🙂

3. What do you think you have achieved during your term

-This particular term got off to a rough start, but I managed to find some deputies and we've seen about 253 citizens, and last time I checked about 142 stay active and interested in the game. That's a retention rate of about 56%, which was a lot lower than my last term, but still pretty decent considering. We also had over 34 multis this term! Crazy stuff.

4. Has anything bad happened during the term , have you hit any walls

-The Princess believes everyone knows about the lack of deputies the MoNC was experiencing in an effort to find one from each of the top 5 parties to prevent partisanship. This left me running the MoNC alone for most of the term, but after I managed to find some deputies (thank you very much Cpl Useless, Dan Murchah, and Ben Shields, btw), everything seemed to fall into place.

5. Will you be applying to become MoNC again next term

-No, the Princess will be stepping down from her post as Ministress of New Citizens. Partly because she wants a break, partly because she feels like other citizens need a chance to work with the eBabies, and partly because of the sccusations of partisanship being thrown at her towards the end here 🙁 I would hate for someone (especially a new citizen) to think that I have some sort of hidden political agenda purpose for helping them.
It's been a great run, but the Princess is ready for a break. Maybe she'll go for another Ministerial position soon, though 🙂

6. You said that you have only retained 56% of the New Citizens that have come into our nation this term , why do you think it is less the last term , why do you think there has been a rise in muilti's .

- I don't like to make excuses, but I would say it was just the rough start we got off to in the beginning of Dub's term. As for the multis, the Princess can never be sure. She has two pretty good reasons, though: Either (1) they want to have more than one fun welcome message from the Princess of eIre, or (2) they love eIreland so much they want to enjoy it twice...or three or four times. 🙂

7. You say that you might go for another Ministerial position soon , what one would you like to get into .

- I think I'd like to try my Princess hand in the Ministry of Community. I think I could come up with some pretty fun games and contests for all of eIreland to enjoy 🙂

8. Who will you be supporting in the presidential race

- I think we've got a really good line-up this time around. The Princess is endorsing patton this time.

9. Who do you think did better as president this month Dubh or John

-That's a tough question. Dub had so many ideas that he wanted to implement that he kind of got caught up too much in the political realm. It's always tough to deal with the masses, you can never get everyone to agree with everything. And John's job was tough too. It's never easy to jump into a leadership position after half of the population is angry about changes that have been made.
They're both great guys, though 🙂

10. Do you see yourself following in Edana's footsteps and becoming the 2nd female president of Ireland

- I'm not sure! The Princess is a very vibrant personality in eIreland. I think she's one of those people you either really love or absolutely hate. Maybe one day she'll be the president, but for now she's just sticking with being the most beautiful in all the eLand. It's a tough enough job by itself 🙂

My next interview will be with Glorious Connolly our Minister of Technology and Presidential Candidate .

Thank you
