Pro Patria Österreich

Day 864, 04:04 Published in Austria Croatia by 89Djani
Dear Austrian!!!

After Austria is destroyed by Croatian Enemies all Politician Parties went to Croatia. I decided to create a new party with the name Pro Patria Österreich what means “Für die Heimat Österreich” or for my Homeland!

Pro Patria Österreich would be abbreviated as “PPÖ”

The link to the Party
Pro Patria Österreich

== The PPÖ Official Forums / Member Services and chats ==

This would be the center of the PPÖ‘s activity.

Everything goes through the forums, and is generally there long before it is released in a statement,
at this time the party has no forum but in the near future there would be a great communitie.

As the center of everything for the PPÖ, It is important - and incredibly beneficial- to register and get active on our forums and chats there would be made greats plans for better and bigger Austria.

Djani Ujkan Marich

== Party Ideals ==

Center right. An gravity declaration of national pride.

It’s a difficult concept of Party Members. We would be all national pride people thinkers.
We would look forward to become Austria bigger and bigger.

Our party would listens to all members - be the 1 day old or 12 months. It is completely open - there is no limit to what you can or can't do, other than your own ability. If you see something wrong in the party, you are encouraged to tell us about it, and then work with us as we try to correct it.

As the party would grown, so too have the key group of members who hold the party together. But this wouldn’t be an exclusive club - to become a part of it, all you need to do is show initiative and get involved. Our party would always look for new active members.

We are the obvious choice for free thinkers - those who wish to be free of the hive mentality displayed in some of the larger parties. we stand for anyone who does not wish to be part of a conglomerate, we are there for anyone who wants to do their own thing.

We would listen to every member of the party, and offer everyone a chance to be heard. Everyone's voice is equal, and all members can rise to the top.

==Statute Of Pro Patria Österreich==

1. Pro Patria Österreich is a party from Austrian to Austrians.
2. PPÖ is working for freedom and forward going of the Austrian.
3. The name of the party is Pro Patria Österreich short PPÖ.
4. The PPÖ is working political at the territories of eAustria . To become our political goals PPÖ is ready to combat with all possibilities. The goals of PPÖ are to work for a better Austria. Party is working to become their goals with political clout.
5. The Party slogan is:
To become our goals with this statute a lot of Austrian would give their best, the goal was and is to be faithfully. To become our goals we need national pride and faithfully action.

== Mission Statement's ==

We at the PPÖ would be a group who wish stand apart. We believe in a better , bigger Austria.
In all things we would believe that united we are stronger, as a nation and as a party.
We believe that the best way forward is to take the time to help everyone around us, both new and old.
We have our own personal beliefs, but these remain true to us all.

Stand up for Austria.

==Future Plans==

Let's Go Austria
This one is just for PPÖ members, what you do is contact one of us in charge, and we send you a ticket and weapon so that you can move to war free, because in Austria aren’t a q5 Hospital.

Become Members
The Party runs a Program to become more Members, where we take all people in the eWorld where have National proud.

Mentor Program
The Party would run a Mentor Program, where experienced members are paired with new members, giving the newer player a valuable resource - knowledge and information. This is controlled through the PPÖ forums and chats.

Baby Boom
We would help to organize a baby boom in Austria that is at most needed in the future.

PPÖ Firms
It would be make some firms for new players and Party Members where we can make more budget for Elections and etc.

== Alliances Eden or Phoenix or Neutral==

De doubus malis, minus est simper eligendum

I will only say Of two evils, the lesser must always be chosen.

At the end all politician parties and Presidential Candidates are talking about the new q5 Hospital but nobody would say that some of the people in the cabinet have decided my proposal for q5 Hospital I have said to buy one last week, the week before and the last days but they only said that is not good idea that I buy the q5 Hospital alone I have said I have enough money and enough ideas If I become the presidential the first would be to buy with own moneys a q5 Hospital. Nobody is thinking about what negative aspects we have without hospital. Weapon firm owners cannot sell any weapon in Austria because nobody would buy Weapon if there is not a Hospital in the Land.

Pro Patria

The link to the Party
Pro Patria Österreich

Ubi bene, ibi patria

Djani ujkan Marich