eUNL Awards: (March) here are the winners....

Day 854, 01:24 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by DND Org

eUNL Awards: (March) here are the winners....

eUNL Awards: March, the results" />

The 3rd edition has finnished.

One category (Politician of the Month) had 5 instead of 3 nominees. In the end it came down to a close finnish. With only 1 vote more the winner of this category is Boklevski!

And here are the winners:

Politician of the Month (congress) [31 votes]
- Boklevski (32😵

Citizen of the Month (non-congress) [28 votes]
- AndreasIsaksson (54😵

Upcoming citizen of the Month [26 votes]
- DutchClass (65😵

Best Newspaper (Publisher) [30 votes]
- The Cheyenne Gazette (Myers11) (40😵

Best Avatar (forum & ingame) [32 votes] - GOLD CATEGORY
- Auggustus (40😵" />

Best friend/ally to eUNL (country) [29 votes]
- Russia & North Korea (55😵

Worst Enemy to eUNL [27 votes]
- Admin (63😵

Spammer of the Month [27 votes]
- Hegggje (37😵

Best Employer/Company/General Manger [24 votes]
- Turbo Food Q5 / Auggustus (58😵

Gold category
The Best Avatar category recieved most votes. A total of 32 votes. The winner of this category (Auggustus) will recieve the gold prize. Thank to our sponsers this month the gold prize is 2 Gold.

Fun facts
- Most votes category: Best Avatar (32)
- Least votes category: Best Employer/Company/General Manger (24)
- Twice-in-a-row winners (same category): AndreasIsaksson
- Tree-times-in-a-row winners (same category): Boklevski
- Biggest win: DutchClass (65😵
- Smallest win: Boklevski (32😵

The eUNL Award also has a awards wiki page to list historical nominees and winners.

Our location on the eUNL community forum:" />

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If you would like to sponsor the eUNL Award show then contact DND Org." />" />