eUNL Awards: (March) and the nominees are....

Day 847, 01:37 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by DND Org
eUNL Awards: March" />

Today we start the 3rd edition of the Community Award show!

There is GOLD to win!
Because of sponsorship we are able to double the GOLD prize to 2 Gold.

>> The winner of _the category with the most votes_ will recieve a Gold prize of 2 Gold!

This is your chance to vote for each candidate in you favorite category.

You might have noticed there are 5 nominees for Politician of the Month. This is correct. It is a test to see if popular categories can hold more nominees.

Polls will close sunday at 19:00 (CET). Winners will be announced shortly after closing.

Voting can be done at our community forum:" />


These are the nominees of February:

Politician of the Month (congress)
- Daniel parker
- Boklevski
- ArtemIvanvov
- Flando
- Heikanu

Citizen of the Month (non-congress)
- AndreasIsaksson
- Epix
- Hegggje

Upcoming citizen of the Month
- Dutchclass
- Holleboer
- Markus Bell

Best Newspaper (Publisher)
- Deviltje's thoughts (Deviltje)
- The Cheyenne Gazette (Meyers11)
- Ministry of Spam (Theneka&Boklevski)

Best Avatar (forum & ingame)
- apotygma
- AndreasIsaksson
- Auggustus" />" />" />

Best friend/ally to eUNL (country)
- UK
- Russia & North Korea
- Belgium

Spammer of the Month
- Hegggje
- Jofroi
- Theneka

Best Employer/Company/General Manger
- Turbo Food Q5 / Auggustus
- eGrain Q4 / Epix
- GDHC Housing / GDHC

Voting can be done at our community forum:

And please vote on this article so we can reach our whole community!

The eUNL Award also has a awards wiki page to list historical nominees and winners.">SPONSORS
Prizes are made possible by our sponsors. If you would like to sponsor the eUNL Award show then contact DND Org." />" />

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