Goodbye Pakatan Rakyat

Day 819, 03:40 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Nagyzee

Today is another very sad day for Malaysia as unity is fast becoming a curse word used only with a great dose of irony. The Serbians have captured 3 parties uncontested which is already bad enough but something much worse happened as well.

Pakatan Rakyat has been taken over by Virus13 and his FUP-affiliated friends and swiftly renamed. As I said above there were 3 (!!) parties with zero Malaysian candidates for party president. They could have taken any of those and make it their own party. There was even a party called "Party for Sale". Instead maybe because of some childish revenge they decided to take over a legit party having its own community.

I tried to convince gen_tiger the new PP of FUP that it's a PTO with zero luck as he kept claiming it's an internal party issue. At one point he made this rather cynical claim under his article:
"If cct_84 is unfit for this kind of challenge should he fit to become the leader of the 3rd largest party of eMalaysia? "

Apparently if a group of say 30 people take over your community of 20 people then you are unfit to lead it. It seems he is not a fan of unity and peacefulness but more like a survival of the fittest attitude. Oh well.

And you may ask why this move by Virus13 and co. is more damaging than the Serbian PTO. The answer is simple. For the first time in our history a group from inside the Malaysian community PTOed a legit Malaysian party. This is highly destructive for the Malaysian community and clearly shows that we have a few dozen people in here who have zero respect for others inside the community. The Serbians are outsiders, they might be a danger for our country but this move is endangering not only that but our community as well and the minimal respect we still had for each other.

I congratulate Virus13 and his 47 voters. Well done guys. And good luck with Parti Untuk Semua.

Best regards,