Join the UK revolution party

Day 818, 06:03 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by temujin94

For the few people who read my first article you know what my paper is about but for those who don’t this is what I sai😛 I have not went into journalism to sway to a particular party or a certain viewpoint. I have started this newspaper to report funnily enough on the news as it is. The name of this paper has been based on that idea "temujin". For the few people who don’t know Mongolian history it is the original name of Genghis khan and his name in Mongolian means "iron" and for political purposes he said that "his word was iron" and that is what I want to build the foundation of this paper on.

The reason I ask you to join this party as it has a great future ahead. This party has great ideas and goals for the future and under the guidance of Dan/naD Wilshire we can achieve this great goals and ideas. This party may not be one of the larger parties but every party has started off at the stage we are at know and the only way we have an effect on British politics and we need all the support you can give. If you are doubtful about joining our party please contact me for any queries. As stated above I do not sway my opinion when I write in my newspaper and I would not join this party, support this party if I did not believe it is in the best interests of the country.

Contact me at:

Thank you for reading