Changes in Erepublik beta

Day 57, 00:00 Published in USA by Plato

Server Upgrade

Yesterday we migrated to the new servers and a new hosting provider. In doing so we faced few problems since the master-master MySQL replication that was tested before crashed when it had to do its job.
So at the moment we are using only one of the database servers but in a few days we will be up to full speed. Still the website loads much better and apart for some pages where macro economical statistics are shown (country page, economical stats page etc.), the loading time seems to be much better.

Homepage changes

As you may have already noticed, there were some changes on the homepage:
- Simpler design on the homepage statistics (and less queries)
- Country population now showing just the number of live Citizens in each country
- Alt tag on the Newspaper links
We will continue to enter deep into each page an😛
- modify the design, if needed, to make it more user-friendly and efficient
- improve the SQL queries to help the loading speed
- Clean the code and extra check them for bugs
The next pages that we are already working on are:
1. Country page (will replace also the statistics pages)
2. City/region page
3. Human resources page
4. Marketplace

Minimum wage

Some of the Citizens came with the idea of a Minimum wage in each country. We are thinking seriously if we should give the chance to the President and Congressmen to decide, if they want to apply a minimum wages in their countries. So that Companies would not be allowed to give salaries lower than the daily minimum wage.
We are expecting your feedback on this.

PS: We fixed a lot of bugs as well meanwhile 🙂