First Tool launched - Company Profit Calculator!

Day 803, 11:34 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Lithonian Ltd

Our first tool, the Company Profit Calculator, is now open to the public.

The tool is still in beta, it does not always give 100% accurate results, and currently the only option is to calculate profit for an existing company.

When the tool is fully operational it will be able to quite accurately predict the profit of a company.

When you first launch the calculator, you will see 3 options:

1) Calculate profit for an existing company
2) Enter information manually
3) See a sample report

Calculate profit for an existing company

The first option will take you to this screen:" />
Doesn't display properly? Click here to see full sized image.

From here you can enter the URL of any company in erepublik(although at the moment the results will only work correctly if it's within the UK), or you can enter your company ID.

After entering this information, you can continue to the next step:" />
Doesn't display properly? Click here to see full sized image.

On this screen you are asked to confirm that the information you have entered is correct(I have used the company I work for as an example), if it is then click 'Next'.

After clicking next you will be taken to this screen. The screenshot is too big for it to fit in this article, so instead, you can access the screenshot here.

Although it is not currently layed out very nicely, as far as I am aware it gives accurate results. It tells you the information on every employee, tells you the total and average of the employees wellness, skill, and productivity, and it also asks you for the quality of raw material used. Eventually this will not be necessary, as the tool will work out the best price of cost/unit raw material.

After clicking next nothing will happen, as this has not been implemented yet - however, when it is finished it will give detailed information on how much profit will be made daily, how long it will take to pay back the initial amount of Gold taken to buy the company, and several more.

Enter information manually

This option has not currently been implemented, but I will give you information what it will do once it has been.

The first screen will ask you what industry this imaginary company will be in. After selecting this you will be asked if you want 'Quick Mode' or 'Advanced Mode'. Quick mode will mean entering a rough estimate of your employees skill and wellness, whilst advanced mode will mean entering every employees exact wellness and skill. After entering this the tool will then work out the cheapest raw material price, the price that your goods can be sold for, and the best skill level of employee to have working for you(for the most profit). It will then work out how much profit this company will be making per employee, how long it will take to repay the initial cost to start the company, and many more useful figures besides! More information on this option will be included in a later article, once we have actually implemented it.

See a sample report

The final option of seeing a sample report will do exactly what it says on the tin - it will show you an example of a report generated by the tool. Again, this option has not yet been implemented.

If you are interested in seeing the profit calculator, it can be accessed here .

If you are interested in testing future projects, or if you would like to see your own ideas implemented, please let me know.

We will release more articles as we release tools, and when tools have been updated!

Please vote and sub if you like the tools!