Day 785, 15:58 Published in Canada Canada by Duke Leto

And now for something completely diffrent.

I here by decree that I am resigning my Office, both as Congressman of Alberta and Ambassador to eSlovakia.

Why? It is BORING AS HELL. Which we all know is very boring. The congressmen spam topics. Both closed and open. Seriouslly guys? This is not responsible behaviour. I blame the lack of Speaker and his deputy. I understand that both maybe busy with RL(one of the reasons I am quitting. Goddamn midterms....). But if you are going to be unavailable and only pop in once and a while, resign. Everything now at days is economic stuff. That is not my forte (not the car silly people). I major in Foreign relations.

I thought when I signed up as ambassador, I was needed. Infact I was needed. Needed to fill up space. We can't look good if we dont have ambassadors for everyone. The MoFA is not interested in Slovakia. I am the only person to post in my office. THE ONLY PERSON. I posted valuable information. Ignored. The Slovakians are less than active. This might be that I am english and their knowledge of it isnt that great. Ill give them that. But Its just so damn boring.

And Now for something completely different.

I am joining the CAF Elites. It is time I used my abilities of General and 17 strength to good use. Tearing down a wall as fast as an East Berliner wanting the F*ck on the otherside. Therefore I must leave you. Time to go kick some---

The CBC1 would like to anounce that the man you just read, Duke Leto, has been squashed by Cupids giant foot. He will no longer be able to comment. we here at CBC1 do not support any of his mallicious swearing and insults. i am sure he was just showing his frusteration at people to show why he quit. So onto the next skit. A man with three buttocks.

I have just been informed that we have already shown you that but the Admins took it away. Now for something completely diffrent, a man with 9 legs. What do you mean he ran away? Bloody Hell! Well. This is CBC1 saying Goodnight eCanada!