Day 16: Goodbye, Sabah!, VP Announcement, Cabinet

Day 779, 23:25 Published in Philippines USA by Hekter
Bye, Sabah!
Sabah returned to Malaysia earlier this morning, despite our best (not really) efforts to keep control. Viva Malaysia! Next month we may see it in our hands again as an extension of the TWs and to get another shiny image, but that's very far off into the future 🙂

Speaking of Sabah, the wargames are back on in full Philippines-on-Malaysia swing tomorrow. See you on the battlefield around 12:50 tomorrow!

International News
Blurn is the wurn today, as everyone's favorite DoFA, Keegan, returns again.


Poland In France
Making the most of their recent Babyboom, Poland has conquered French territories, in a move that appears to be somewhat frowned upon by some citizens of fellow EDEN member Spain, who has been at war with France and invading for some time now. There are also multiple Resistance wars in the French conquered Regions in Poland.

Jerusalem Attacked By Greece
On the Mediterranean Front, Greece has attacked Jerusalem, in order to retrieve it from Turkey, who recently conquered the region in a war against the far-outmatched Israel days ago.

US Moves To "Katana"
In US President's Inaugural Article, he announced his intent for Americans to create a “superfortress” much like that of Florida, in the conquered region of Karnataka. The population of the region, and therefore the potential wall, has been steadily climbing since.


Keegan Knoll as Vice President
Keegan has been in the Philippines only a few months, yet he has always managed to be active in the IRC, was elected Congressional Speaker, and has served dutifully as Director of Foreign Affairs. [Even giving me blurns on days I don't publish.] Additionally, he's helped keep me from crossing over the line to insanity and ran as a safe backup candidate in case I ever get my arms eaten by a wombat and have to be impeached 🙂 The PHP has become a new political force, which he has headed as Party President, attracting many active players such as cruelbear and Quin2k.

With that all said, I have offered, and he accepted, that the honor and role of Vice President be bestowed upon him. I have full confidence in his abilities, and look forward to working even more closely with him.

Official Cabinet List
Something not commonly seen in other countries, cabinet members here stay the same no matter what party is in control, so there won't be too many surprises this month 🙂


Department of Home Affairs
Director: Nikko_33
Deputy: Quin2k

Department of Finance
Director: Negosyo sa tao

Department of Defense
Under Restructuring

Department of Foreign Affairs
Director: Keegan Knoll

Department of Intelligence
Director: Slothen
Director: Anarchist

Department of Education
Director: Ariel David Buena
Deputy: Rupert

If you are interested in working in the Department of Education, feel free to PM Ariel and let him know! He is looking for assistance.

Ministry of Merriment
Director: Anarchist
Director: Topy XYZ

Department of Public Displays of Affection
Director: Ariel David Buena
Deputy: Everyone


I am very happy to see that I have secured (re-?)election, and it is my pleasure to continue serving the Philippines in the month(s) ahead. Hopefully next time we'll secure the PP nominations before the new 'end of 2nd day of the month' rule next time, but things worked out pretty nicely as it was. I stayed up very late to see the shiny medal appear in my profile and check the status of various nations such as India (averted PTO) and Thailand (PTOed). May Thailand survive and here's to a great eMonth!

The Stapler
The Stapler is as tired as I am--sleep deprivation is bad for your health, kids!--so it'll make a return hopefully tomorrow 🙂

President Hekter