The dirtiest war of them all

Day 776, 01:26 Published in Norway Norway by AnBasement
The dirtiest war of them all

I would first like to say that I in this article wish no harm to Binary Party or any of the politicians in said party, and if you feel that what will be written in this article is unfair in any way, then I apologize.

I recently read Eha Pappkriger's article with thoughts on the upcoming election. Eha Pappkriger is the Binary Party's candidate this coming election, in case you did not know. Anyway, he wrote an article, an article that I will not call an Election Speech, as it does not really focus on why Binary Party is the better choice, or why Eha is the right man to lead eNorway at this time. Rather it's focusing on why Binary party is so much better than Teknokratene, and how pathetic and self-preserving my party is.

A political take-over
A lot of us older users have been around for so long that we've seen eNorway gone through multiple PTO's, some not too bad, others with a horrible result. I think the one we remember the most is the Hungarian take-over, that ended in the loss of all the Russian regions, all the assets we had gathered in the state account, and ultimately, almost an annihilation of our great eCountry. Us Norwegians saw what might have happened, but through the fighting spirit in all of our hearts and help from our allies, we managed not only to survive the Russian threat, but even a new threat that sprung up in the west, as Great Britain decided they wanted to take a shot at us. They failed.

The message I'm trying to convey to you all is that us Teknokrater are worried for a reason. This is why we went to Binary Party with the proposition of a joint effort to fight the political take-over, a proposition that was ultimately turned down because they found our demands unreasonable. Fair enough, they didn't go in Eha's favor as we decided that we couldn't support him, but we decided not to speak of it, because we want to keep the smearing to a minimum. What I want now is to clarify what happened in the meeting, a meeting I did not take part in.

A BP/TeK coalition
The decision of having a contract signed was something that was decided in our chat on Quakenet IRC. We realized that it would be the best way to fend off a possible PTO, and that we should at least try to work with BP this term, even with all the bad blood between our two parties.

We came up with an agreement we were satisfied with, and that included a list of acceptable candidates for Presidency, that we knew could put our differences aside and do what was best for Norway. I will not release that list onto here, but I will say that Eha's name was not on that list. On beforehand, Binary Party had announced that they would not support any TeK candidates, and we had accepted this. Their reasons for this decision were that they were the bigger party, with more people in congress and more active players. A reason that I can understand, but do not agree with.

Why fear a PTO?
It's true, we do have the majority in congress combined, and there's not much a President could do. Except for attacking Russia and the United Kingdom through open wars that we really need to shut. This would put us in a very dangerous position, and even though we could impeach the President after a 24 hour vote, the President can attack any region he wants as long as the war is open, without going through a democratic process. To make it worse, it seems that the new Russian President wouldn't hesitate in attacking the defenseless Norway to the south. This is why we are worried. This is why we wanted to work with BP.

TeK = Egotistical dictators?
What annoyed me the most in the article was how much focus Eha put on calling TeK goons, saying we wanted everything our way, wanted to dictate other parties. I ask you, how is proposing an agreement that ultimately favors the opposition rather than ourselves more dictating what they do?

In reality, the TeK diplomats that took part in the meeting to decide if the two parties should run together, never really said that we refused to support Eha. We would accept it, but would prefer seeing a different candidate from their party. We only had one clause, and that was that BP would sign the contract we had offered them, making sure that a TeK candidate would be prioritized in the unlikely event of a future PTO. While this seemed okay at first, it ended up with BP not signing the contract, and instead telling TeK that we could go along with what they want. Note, they did not say we should or had to go with their candidate, they merely said that we could, not dictating us in that exact case.

As BP refused to cooperate with us, based on the facts that they have more active members and more members in congress, we decided to run separately, with reboot as a candidate. This was not because we didn't want to support Eha, we did it because we don't want to let Binary Party walk all over us and dictate what we do.

We, TeK, have been accused of things before. Spreading false propaganda, indoctrinating newer users, lying to cover ourselves. And now we can add being against democracy to that list. Democracy. One of, if not THE most important case to our party. We acknowledge the people. We want what the people want. We would never dream of taking the right to decide their own lives from our citizens. We want to protect them, and we believe that by working against a PTO with BP, we could do this. But we are not naive. If there's anything this month taught us, it's that bad blood between parties can ruin a country. And even though we can work alongside BP, we want to make sure that we can rise again on a later occasion. That is why we could not simply go with BP's plan.

I would also like to point out one little thing that Evleos made me aware of. Binary Party says that TeK wants to dictate what BP should do and who the people should vote for, for not saying we didn't want to support Eha (which we by the way did not do, if you read the above writing), and thus not allowing the negotiations to go on (even though this also is wrong, I won't mind that now). Then tell me, how is it not dictating TeK when BP says that Eha must be their candidate, no matter what, and thus ending negotiations all the same? Why is that TeK can be labeled as dictators when BP does exactly the same thing? Ask yourself this.

PTO or not PTO?
I personally believe that the PTO will not happen. That does not, however, mean that I'm not going to prepare for it. Did you know, by the way, that the three congressmen from the Justice and Development Party didn't get into congress in that party? seko38, their candidate for Presidency, BuyRock and sip3r all ran under Teknokratene during the congress election? They swapped parties right after this. I'm aware that this might seem suspicious. Make it look like TeK can't handle their own members. Truth is, we'd never seen these people before, and due to the game mechanics, we couldn't deny them the right to run for congress. We just had to sit and watch.

Vote Teknokratene
This is no election speech. This is an article telling you why you must not believe everything Eha has written in his article about Teknokratene. The words he has written about himself and Binary Party, are not lies. These are his opinions and the party he represents, and should be taken seriously. What he's said about Teknokratene is not necessarily a lie, but perhaps a misconception. The truth, I believe, is right here.

Vote for reboot on Tuesday. It's the right choice.