News | Government Gets Back Stolen Weapons Factories

Day 742, 00:30 Published in Philippines Philippines by Swagger McSwag
This is a Philippine Press Club original article.

MANILA - The Philippine government successfully retrieved 3 state-run companies after being stolen by then-Department of Home Affairs (DOHA) Director SoulSalvage, revealed Philippine President Slothen in an exclusive interview with The Outsider yesterday.

The Theft

The historic DoHA Weapons company, California-based Nadir Moon Super Guns, and Nadir Moon Premium Iron in Siberia were all illegally transferred by SoulSalvage from various government-owned organizations to his own private ones last November 16, said the President.


"SoulSalvage had taken three governmental companies and transferred them to his own org," explained Slothen. "I suspended his access rights to the governmental orgs and handed them back to [former labor minister] Nikko_33."

SoulSavage then fired all the workers and changed the names of the companies to "Gold-Engraved Bullets", "q1 iron wih 2 active licenses", and "q1 weapon with 2 active lics", respectively, the latter two name changes indicatong his intention to sell same companies, inferred the President.

"He refused to hand over the companies, saying that he would give them back when the right time comes," said Slothen. "As weird and inappropriate as his answer was, he kept repeating it every time I tried to contact him."

The Takedown

"It was lucky that [newly elected Congress Deputy Speaker] Keegan Knoll, who knows him personally and is serving as my [Director of Foreign Affairs], happened to have access to SoulSalvage's org," recounted the President. "Thanks to Keegan's help, two of the lost [companies] were successfully given back to DOHA accounts. However, [DoHA Weapons], the one that had been moved to the other org url=]Israel State Lottery[/url was beyond our reach."


"Then, after some time SoulSalvage surprisingly handed over the company to Quin2k, who happened to be another of my new recruits being the deputy director in DOHA," the President revealed.


SoulSalvage, who previously was the Vice President of Israel, was appointed Director of DOHA in early November, which gave him easy access to the compromised government organizations.

"He was the most competent of the applicants. He had very good recommendations and I couldn't find anything bad about him," said President Slothen. "Since the background check didn't reveal anything alarming, I decided to hire him."

"It turned out the character behind SoulSalvage was something else than what I had seen or read about him," continued the President. "I couldn't believe he was the same person at all when I finally encountered him in IRC.

Shortly after the theft, SoulSalvage fled to South Africa, where he briefly gained citizenship before once again moving to Canada.

He is now resides in Ontario as a Candian citizen and member of the Democratic Action League.


"We got the lost property back, and to prevent this happening ever again, we are working on a contract which every government officer is to sign from now on," explained Slothen.

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