A Thank You to eSingapore and musings on possible PTO's

Day 741, 20:59 Published in Singapore USA by Relorian

Hello eSingaporeans,

First let me say that I apologize that this entry is a bit late in coming. You re-elected me to congress and I haven't had a chance to write a Thank you until now.

To everyone who voted for Me, a heartfelt Thank You.
To everyone who voted for Non-PTO people, a hearty Thank You.

We as a country continue to enjoy elections relatively free from tampering and that promotes a mix of new and old faces that continue to steer our nation in the right direction.

We may be a small country but we are a GREAT nation to live in and work for.

PTO Problems.

Now, its become somewhat evident to a lot of us that something funny is going on. A new party crops up and gains top 5 status over night, runs candidates and now has a presidential candidate running who no one knows and has no published articles under the eSingaporean media.

Various people have looked and this person has been talking about how easy it would be to take over eSingapore on outside forums and has been encouraging people to sign up for the game and join our country to help him.

This is a grave threat as unlike external citizens who can be screened and limited, homegrown PTOers are a real threat. They don't have to be screened for citizenship or approved, they just get born here and are granted instant citizenship. This enables them to fly under the radar and create a party like they have done, with out anyone knowing anything until its too late...

Theres a big catch here. Even if they have a congressional seat, they cant approve that many people and we can see who they approve and monitor them closely. The catch in this comes from the fact that while we are small, We are vigilant..

They got 1 seat with no power. Their presidential candidate doesnt have a snow balls chance in hell of winning the election. Their lone congressman has used 1 proposal that is doomed to failure at this point and only has 1 remaining proposal after this. In short, Damage is limited at this point. So long as they are here, we will remain on alert and will be informing the people of whats going on.

If you PTOers are reading, let me make one thing crystal clear. You picked the wrong country to attempt this in. We are active and will defend against your efforts. If you ever succeed, you will NOT get anything from it. We will lock away our funds in an org that has a PTO clause that keeps you from touching it, We will keep the state companies locked off from you as well.
In short, you will waste a big effort for nothing.
Leave now and find some other country to attempt your schemes in... but be aware, We will warn that country too. We're cool like that and watch out for our eBrothers and eSisters of the world.

Thanks for reading, Vote and Sub if you found this useful in the least.

Thank you eSingapore,