Interview with 5n4keyes

Day 711, 19:28 Published in Ireland Ireland by LordoIrish

1. So 5n4keyes how did you find eRepublik

My Friend Landis Kan got me into the game, along with a few other people I know.

2. What was the first thing to come into your head looking at the screen?

World Domination

3. What made you stay?

The community mostly, theres been some nice people over the time ive played, and some very strange!

4. Who were your first friends?

Landis Kan 🙂

5. How did they help/influence you?

Kept bugging me at the start to login, also gave me my first job in eIreland

6. What was your first congress campaign like?

In beta you didnt campaign, however in V1 ive tended to be running the party, rather than campaigning!

7. Who help you the most during the campaign?

My party 🙂

8. What was your first term as congressmen like?

Of V1, intresting! the first term of congress of v1 I was president, so I had to set some rules, eg the 24hr rule, and discussing things before we put up votes.

9. What is the most interesting thing in this game?

How politics evolve!

10. What is to most interesting thing in eIreland?

How the same few topics get posted every month, with the same replys every month, its quite intresting, strangely.

11. What was your first presidential campaign like?

I won, so pretty good!

12. Can you explain to the readers what the president does and why he is so importent?

The president is the leader of a country, a country can only ever be as good as its leader, but a leader can only be as good as his country!

13. Why do you think you were elected into congress 6 times?

😉 9 times in V1, and I guess to an extent my rank helps me, plus my age in the game!

14. You are 3rd in National rank how do you think you achieved that

2nd 😛, and playing since day 28 almost every single day, helped alot!

15. Do you plan to stay in eIreland for the rest of your eLife?

eIreland will always be my home, I will undoubtedly travel to places that need Aid, eg USA recently!

16. What are you biggest concerns for eIreland?

Well from talking with people, economics seams to be the biggest concern for the citizens, many feel wages arent enough, some feel products arent cheap enough.

17. Anything else you would like to say

Patton eats babies 😮!

Thanks you for reading V&S everybody !!!