[WW] My First Experience

Day 3,160, 21:22 Published in USA Croatia by Selak Ivan

Hello everyone, Comet here again.

It's already summer! Hard rain is pouring down all day in Korea, and it is extremely hot when the rain stop. What does that mean? It is perfect season to play Erepublik!

As all you guys and gals know, players with low strength should two-click for a long time to fight in the battlefield. If they don't, they'll soon level up and they won't able to get BH medals for a long time in the forest of heavy tankers. That is one of the reason why this game sucks. New players must find their interest in other part of the game, so a lot of them leave us.

However, Plato made a new pack called Infantry Kit to earn money allow low level soldiers fight in the battlefield. It is expensive. Therefore, I didn't purchase IK for 7 months. (Even if I purchased it, I wouldn't have some fun because my strength was so low) I found some other interesting point of the game - communication, so I didn't have to purchase it and fight.

Then one day I found an interesting thread in our MU, Easy Comapany's forum.

Oh My God, is that real? Giving away IK? I decided to apply for it right away. In the April, Masamune44 got IK. In the May, SAITAMA got it. I wanted to have one, but I knew it is better if the IK goes to other high-strength player. They used IK well, and I kept applied for the next IK.

Thanks to Ilene Dover, who recommended me, I started working as an administrator of Stack the Wall program in the government in the June. I traveled along many MUs, and handed some golds to soldiers. When I was at Bears Cavarly, I got a message from EZC's commander, Deepchill.

"Comet, you are selected as an Infantry Kit winner of this month."

I couldn't say anything at the moment I saw that PM through my cellphone. I nearly dropped it to the ground! As soon as I got my soul back, I messaged back to Deepchill. Soon, I got the IK.

In addition, I got a Power Pack from our MU too! Ubuntu21 suggested Power Pack donation for IK winner, and we donated some money into the pot for it. With two amazing packs, I started my journey on the battlefield.

Luckily, I could buy Fighter Arsenal pack with my golds. I bought two of 250 golds pack for bombs and energy recovery. Therefore, I must make 500 golds = 250 BHs through the bombs at least. (If I don't consider the price of weapons and tickets)

I could put damage easily with bombs, but I had no information about the battlefield. Of course I knew that I should respect others' BH medals if their damage is enough. However, I was immature BH hunter. I tried to get BHs by entering the battlefield which just started, and threw some bombs to put damage. But there were usually some other BH hunters already and I sometimes ruined their BH medals.(Because they were the first man who put damage on the battlefield)

You know, BH respecting system of D1 is not that clear enough. We always argue about who is the first person put their damage on the battlefield. Sometimes we put enormous damage to win over someone else. I couldn't do that. Reason? Even though I had my bombs which can put huge damage, I didn't want to use them for fighting with other D1 players. (I was fighting in the battlefield, but I didn't want to fight lol)I had to get at least 250 BH medals! Also, my strength was so low that I could not make an influential damage without bombs.

I always tried to be polite to everyone. If there were other player in the field, I gave up the fight even though I launched a cruise missile, sometimes even a big bomb. Seems like a very weak coward, but it was the best way I can get other BH medals.

About two weeks later, I got some skills for the BH hunting. First, I usually fought at erep time 20:00 to 23:00. There weren't many BH hunters at that time so I could easily earn BHs medals than other times. Second, I waited a bit before clicking the FIGHT button after I enter a new battlefield. If I could see a person in a few seconds, I gave up that battlefield and tried to find a new one. With this way, I could save a lot of bombs. Last, I respected others's BH and tried to be a friend with BH hunters. More friends, more fun at the battlefield. They sometimes yielded me the BH or split the golds with me. I did that too to those guys.

I used my boosters which I saved for seven months in the appropriate situation. (For example, in the epic battles) I bought some weapons on EZA, where I can buy the weapons for half price. Zako soldeir, Nexx and other EZA managers handed me some tanks everyday. With them, I could fight with less money. Thank you.

If you ask me who helped me the most in the last month, I would choose ubuntu21. He helped me almost everyday until I get used to win some BH medals easily. He put more damage if someone stole my BHs, and handed me the golds for BH medals. He informed me with some tips, and I could hunt the medals more easily with the tips. I sent some Q5 tickets to him for the thank you. Ubuntu, sorry if I disturbed you much. And thank you very much!

And I cannot forget our MU, EZC. The group gave me the opportunity and chance to fight. The group helped my while I was in the battlefield with weapons and other things. EZC Go Go! CURRAHEE!

It was a short, busy month for me. I reached some objectives that I planned at the start of the month. Look at this!

6 more FF medals, 300+ BH medals, a Mercenary medal, and 10 more TP medals!
Also, I am now the God of War! My biggest objective, and I reached it yesterday! I am so excited now. I got some badges too.

It is time to close my article. I want to re-state that I had an amazing month. And I want to thank again to our MU, EZC and other fellas who helped my in the last month. I am a lucky man to have you guys as my friend. I won't be able to fight in the field for a long time ahead, but I will find the interest in other parts of the game.

See you in the next article!

Comet Academy