[WHPR] Interviewing the eIrish Government

Day 4,034, 00:17 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room


Hello eUSA,

Today I have for you a full array of interviews conducted by both PigInZen and myself. I am particularly proud of this assignment as it allowed me to get out of my comfort zone and to speak with new people and to make new connections. In these interviews, I asked about the threat of Asteria on eIrish borders, eIrish Coordination, and advice for how eUSA can help eIreland, and in turn be helped to take back our lost lands. It was my pleasure to work with PigInZen to bring this piece to you and I think we have done a marvelous job on it.

I hope you all enjoy this piece I had a fun time doing the looking around and learning all about eIreland myself, enjoy.

I began my work on this article by interviewing a recent emmigrant from our country and former member of the SFP, eIrish Congressmen MrBadDecisions. Heres what he had to say about the state of eIrelan😛

MH: What is driving the activity boom in eIreland?

MB😨 Veteran promotion and activity. Eire has a bunch of veteran leaders that mostly seem to be on the same page, they created a welcoming friendly community. Unlike the eUS I haven't seen a party dispute here yet, in fact the citizens have been focused on hostile nations the whole time I've been here. It's made for fun game play. I guess the overall driving force must be the unity of the Irish citizenry

MH: What would you like to see eIreland become?

MB😨 Well I understand it is small, but I hope it can continue to grow and be somewhat of an expat nation. If we can gather some more players who wish to work in their factories again, or some fighters, big or small it would fun to have new faces and a growing IA (Irish Army)

MH: What war campaigns are eIreland undertaking?

MB😨 Currently we are dealing with Romania in Northern Ireland and I'm not sure how much I can speak on that matter; but I know that we will continue to back our allies and oppose

MH: What can the eUS do to improve relations and to help eIreland?

MB😨 Oh that's a question I would redirect to aimesian. Personally, I think the eUS could send fighters to Eire, the IA has been running an exchange program with other countries around eRep, we've had greeks, italians, and turks so far to my knowledge. It'd be nice to see some eUS players come visit and get a break from their stressful situation on their homefront.

MB😨 Thank you, Max, for the opportunity.

-Interview by Maxwell Hanz-

Next, I went on to speak with Hale Kane, the current main contender for the eIrish CP election. He told me a little bit about the condition of eIreland as well as a little of his philosophy and plans. Enjoy:

MH: What are some of the biggest challenges regarding the recent attacks by Romania and how should eIreland respond to the situation?

HK: They have a lot more fighters than we do. Even with the help of our allies, in general, it's hard to defend from Romania. As per how we should respond; continue fighting how we are currently. Try our best to win a few rounds. Would be nice however to win a Campaign, but let us take 1 step at a time.

MH: What can eUSA do to improve relations with eIreland?

HK: Currently eUSA haas been doing a great job fighting for us so far. I've noticed that many people are shouting to come fight for us in-game and on Discord channels(which is fantastic).

MH: What are some of your plans if you take office as CP?

HK: As a candidate, I prefer to not make promises(especially ones that I can not keep). But I plan to continue the development and growth of Ireland in the proper direction. My main focus this term will be bringing in newer citizens and urging them to stay. I will see how things turn out when/if I take office.

MH: What advice can you give eUS fighters and eIrish fighters when fighting for eIreland?

HK: Co-ordinate your strikes/hits properly. If you see the wall it 80% against us and the battle is almost over, save it for the next round. Ireland citizens along with its allies will be notified on what the next moves are from our current government.

MH: And lastly what is eIrelands general opinion of Asteria?

HK: I can't really answer that question. Many citizens here have different opinions, and therefore my opinion can be correct or incorrect. As of now, we are fighting an Asteria country. We will continue to fight Romania as hard as we can currently. What will happen in the next upcoming weeks or months, I am unsure.

-Interview by Maxwell Hanz-

The next person I would turn to was the eIrish PM, MeDs. I was particularly interested here with the recent attacks by Romania into Northern Ireland and the subsequent siding of eUK with Asteria as a result of an eIrish attack on Scotland. Check it out:

MH: What is eIreland doing about the threat of eRomania on its doorstep?

M😨 As you can see, the war is still on. With the help of our allies, we are doing our best to prevent them from invading our original territories. It is a fun war, they compare it as David VS Goliath, but David cannot win this time.

MH: What is the general opinion of Asteria in eIreland?

M😨 eIreland has Croatia, Greece, Cyprus, Argentina and Hungary as close allies. We saw that on the battlefield yesterday. Naturally, we don't fall under the Asterian umbrella. I cannot talk much about this as I am back after being away from the game for years. I recommend subscribing to aimeisan’s and Warbhoy's newspaper. They clearly share the eIralands opinion on Asteria and our position in the eWorld.

MH: Reading Warbhoy's recent article I can't help but feel that the relations between eBritain have been rocky over the years, could you tell me about some of the history between the two eNations?

M😨 Warbhoy covered what happened with eUK in great details. A simple misunderstanding of the TW rules. I think that eUK used that opportunity in their advantage to break the agreed TW on their territories which directly impacted Greece and Croatia. The constant tension between us and the eUK is what makes the game interesting for us. We NE them, they NE us 🙂

MH: What can fighters do to help eIreland in battle? Is there Anywhere allied fighters can look to find which battles are the priority?

M😨 We have an official newspaper from our Irish Army military unit where we inform our citizens and our allies about our priorities. We are in the process of adjusting our Supply and Communication system as the Plato Foundation no longer supports us. That is why we don't have orders published lately for our allies. Internally we have excellent communication on priorities. Our Commander Slua is making sure that we are all well informed what our priorities are.

MH: What advice do you have for Ground and Air fighters in eRepublik?

M😨 As you can see I am not a ground fighter. I have 36K STR. When I got back in the game, I had 23K STR, and I realized that I am useless in ground battles. I also had zero air rank in July. At that time I found aimeisan’s air support program. I signed up, and here I am. I want to be able to fight in epics and ground battles, but every hit sets me back from improving my air rank. Flying is a free fight, no need for strength and weapons. For new players who still don't know their place on the battlefield, maybe being an air fighter is a good option to consider.

MH: What can eUSA do to help the eIrish people in the future?

M😨 We need to continue working on strengthening and improving the relationship between our countries. Have mutual respect, and everything will align in its place. We saw great support from eUSA during the war yesterday. It was well accepted and recognized by our government. United we can do great things. At least the language is not a barrier.

-Interview by Maxwell Hanz-

And lastly to finish up my side of things I interviewed Slua, the eIrish MoD.
I was concerned about much of the same things with Slua as I was with MeDs but I, in the end, asked him more about the warfare side of the game. Here you go:

MH: Can you tell me about eIrish Mass strike?

SA: In eIreland, the community is at the heart and soul of everything we do. This game was built on its community and the concept of organised strikes go way back in eHistory. It was the gathering of the community to fight as one. That's what aim for, bring everyone together and make our community a stronger unit.

MH: How do you organize eIrish fighters?

SA: The vast majority are in the Irish Army so they are easier to reach via military shout feed or our message threads. Other than this we use articles, the country feed and a "tank thread". Our communications are good and we only plan to make them better.

MH: What is the general opinion of Asteria in eIreland?

SA: Well we've been wiped by Peru, Lithuania, Slovenia, China and now Romania. So I guess you can say we're anti-Asteria. In saying that, we do have respect and hold no bitterness. Ireland is open to any possibilities.

MH: What is eIreland doing about the threat of eRomania on its doorstep?

SA: We've reached an agreement with Romania that will see them leave our regions exactly as they found them. All in all, I'm happy with how our discussion with their government went.

MH: What can fighters do to help eIreland in battle?

SA: Contact myself or other government members to enquire where our priorities are. However, we have no major campaigns planned for the foreseeable future.

MH: And lastly what is the status of the battles with Russia? is that a TW or an actual conflict?

SA: It is a TW. Russia have been a great country to do business with. Their CP Mielga has been an absolute gem to work with.

-Interview by Maxwell Hanz-

Maxwell's Corner

Before I go I would like to promote some recent eIrish articles that further outline all we have discussed here today. Here they are:





I want to close out by thanking everyone who took the time to talk with me, I really look forward to any future endeavors that our two nations undertake and I would be honored to work with such a wonderful bunch of people in the future. Much love from eUSA and I hope that articles like these can serve to better relations in both of our eNations. Best Regards-

~Secretary of Media Maxwell Hanz~

And now I will let PigInZen take over this last bit. Have a good day everyone and don't forget to keep clicking.

MoFA - aimeisan

PIZ: "Would you give eUSA readers a rundown of which countries are allied with eIreland and perhaps a little background on the significance of the various relationships?"

Aimeisan: In general Ireland has good relation with countries on the anti-Asteria side. Among them our oldest, closest and most important ally is Croatia, from who we receive most of the military help in need, like at the liberation from Peru this year. We have also very good relation with Greece, with whom we had training war for months, Hungary, Turkey, South Korea, Albania, Egypt, Cyprus, Italy, the countries of the Andes, and recently of course USA. From the other side we have good relations with France with whom we have resource concession and Russia with whom we have TW.

PIZ: "What is the general opinion of Asteria in eIreland? Does this affect eIrish foreign policy (does FP differ from popular opinion)?"

Aimeisan: Asteria is an opponent for Ireland, it is consisted of countries that were usually on the opposite side to Ireland historically. This determines the allegiance of Ireland in the erep world and of course its foreign policy. At the same time I believe in the popular opinion the main enemy is not Asteria but UK, and this also affects foreign policy in the form of wishes from the community that are sometimes in line with strategies on the higher level, sometimes aren't.

PIZ: "eIreland and the eUK have not had good relations, historically. Do you see this changing? What historical baggage affects current relations?"

Aimeisan: The relationship with UK is loaded with real life animosity, and as a consequence also with a history of ingame animosity between the two countries. Sometimes we have to cooperate like recently on the training wars, but in general I don't see much change in the attitudes of the two countries towards each other.

PIZ: "How are relations between eUSA and eIreland? Has there been any significant movement in that relationship recently?"

Aimeisan: eUSA and eIreland were historically close to each other. Than the friendship faded especially after the eUSA attack on eIreland in March, but since the changes in the eUSA policies recently and the eUSA's efforts to rebuild relations and redefine its place in the erep world relations with Ireland have improved again, I believe the trust between us have been more or less restored.

PIZ: "What can the eUS do to improve relations? How could we help eIreland?"

Aimeisan: You already help very much with damage in our battles which means a lot for us, and we are thankful for that. I think relations will continue to improve if the eUSA continues its current foreign policy of strenghtening relations and trust with its allies including Ireland.

-Interview by PigInZen-