[WHPR] Day 4703: Transition Day

Day 4,703, 14:32 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room

Dateline: Monday, October 5th, 2020 (Day 4703)
Location: James S. Brady Press Room, The White House

1: Leaving Office
2: What We Got Done

1: Leaving Office

The alarm clock went off in the PoteUS’s bedroom, but he was already in the oval office. He had been there all night, fussing after every aspect of the transition. Were the ReWa plans easy enough for the next admin team to pick up on? Was the FFL paperwork all ready to be handed over? What about the counterintelligence on our former allies, and the propaganda system in favor of our new allies?

Everything. Needed. To. Be. Seamless. This wasn’t just any month they were going into, this was the Resource Wars month. Perfection was a prerequisite.

Though the sun was still finding its way above the horizon, the president’s cabinet and staff started coming in and out of the oval room, performing their own tasks related to the handing over of everything.

Throughout the day, the President meticulously checked and double checked each department, each cabinet member, and even did a little micromanaging of some transition items.

He got so wrapped up in the day’s work that he forgot to keep track of the election, vote counts, and election news. It wasn’t until Congress’s Speaker of the House, DMJohnson, visited the Oval Office, that Krapis thought about anything other than the transition.

“Mr. President, we have a situation.” Krapis got the eerie feeling like this transition wouldn’t be seamless.

“Please tell me it’s good news. Please tell me you came all the way up here to inform me that something wonderful has happened, DMJ.” DMJ pursed his lips. KK’s heart sank. DMJ stepped out of the doorway to reveal Krapis’s angsty teenage son, Jared, who was currently going through a scene phase.


“What’s going on here?”

“Mr. Krapis, sir, this will be our new president.” Krapis suddenly knew what it felt like to have an out-of-body experience.


“Oh come on, I’m not that bad, pops.”

“YOU BACKED YOUR CAR INTO A PARKED VEHICLE LAST WEEK, AND I’M PAYING THE MECHANIC TO FIX IT! HOW DO YOU EXPECT TO RUN A WHOLE COUNTRY? DMJ, Please tell me this is some kind of joke. Please, I need this to not be true.” The speaker’s expression went grim. He found the remote to the TV in the room, and flipped it to eNPR.

“...okay, like I get that we never had a situation like this before, but like…” Paul was complaining again, what else was new. But there was some news to parse out of this particular rant. Krapis paid attention. “...there HAS to be a better solution to a tie in the CP race than reverting to medieval succession laws! I mean, come ON! Congress can do better than this, Right??? Can’t we??? And THOSE guys are the ones complaining about proper congressional decorum and procedure? REALLY??? And after they…” DMJ muted the television.

“I think that sums up the situation nicely, sir.” The president took a moment to gather his thoughts.

“DMJ, are you telling me that there’s been a tie in the CP race, Congress took it upon themselves to find a solution rather than letting the candidates work it out for themselves, and the solution they came up with was medIEVAL SUCCESSION LAW?????!!?!” DMJ cleared his throat.

“It appears that is the case, sir.” They both looked over at the rainbow-haired black-clad pubescent, not yet old enough to vote, currently picking his nose, yet somehow placed in the position of leading an entire nation. Krapis couldn’t contain himself any longer. He let loose 2 months worth of pent up CP frustration:

“...OH FOR FU-”


2: What We Got Done

These past months have been eventful and successful.

-We launched a successful war against Brazil, which later turned into a successful TW
-We fought off a 5-prong invasion with great speed, even repelling most of the initial AS’s
-We launched the FFL program, which seems to be a hit
-We made sure our jobs weren’t neglected while 153rd congress was falling apart
-We intervened in a case of RL stalking by Ajay
-We coordinated damage and supported our allies in several battles, winning important rounds for them
-We greatly strengthened diplomatic ties with Asteria
-We brought our nation much higher in the country power leaderboards, even touching 6th at one point
-During the invasion, we showed that we were capable of claiming the #1 national damage spot worldwide when we need to defend our homes
-We laid the groundwork for success in the upcoming Resource Wars

Krapis’s terms were a time of astounding military success, as well as great strides forward on the domestic front. But, as with all military victories, we couldn’t have done it without the entire eUS community. So as we transition to a new CP admin, you should all give yourselves a pat on the back. We fought hard, and won.

It’s been a good 2 months. Let’s make this next month even better!

Look forward to a new WHPR from the next Secretary of Media, shortly after the new team takes office!

Till next time!

Your SecMed
-Wilker Nath

[WHPR] Day 4703: Transition

:These links apparently still work! Nice!:

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