[WHPR] Day 4575: The Virus

Day 4,575, 16:20 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room

Dateline: Wednesday, May 30th, 2020 (Day 4575)
Location: James S. Brady Press Room, The White House

Articles since Last WHPR
DoCS: National Cooperative Callout
DoE: Library of Tutorial Links
DoI: Important Information is Important

1: News Updates
2: Press Briefings
3: eWhitehouse Multi-ronavirus Task Force

1: News Updates

Congress is discussing the President’s proposal to restart the Relocation program, to get peoples’ holdings out of war-torn areas and into safe zones. Read through that discussion here.

The national Cooperative is chugging along nicely, and is still looking for new members! Here’s the latest article from DoCA about that.
If you’d like to apply, don’t hesitate to contact Wilhelm Rontgen.

The next CP race has been revving up. Incumbent Tyler Bubblar is running for reelection.
He is being challenged by Dominar Rygel XVI.
Several members of Tyler’s cabinet have also come out to endorse him.

2: Press Briefings

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the two most recent press briefings.

3: eWhitehouse Multi-ronavirus Task Force

They said that more presidents than not got thrown a real curve ball during their term. Something really unexpected. A big challenge to overcome, that never could’ve been predicted. Well, an eNational pandemic was certainly unexpected. And of all the kinds of pandemics that could have happened - one that infected political parties with multis! The president was followed by a staffer, getting briefed on the situation while walking down the halls of the West Wing on his way to a meeting with the Multi-ronavirus task force.

“The WTP primary is already in shambles, and they’re blaming the Feds. But the Feds are coming under some heat, themselves, sir.. This thing is believed to have started at a Nascar race in Louisville, but sir, I have to tell you, there’s been a conspiracy being spread around online, that’s growing in popularity..” They got to the door to the conference room, and stopped. Tyler wondered why the staffer stopped talking.

“Well, what is it?”

“You see sir… people are saying the virus was manufactured in a National Coop WRM factory just 5 miles outside Louisville…” Tyler had to catch his breath. They had tried so hard this term. Done such a great job. Or so he thought. Would this be his legacy? They had to do something about it. “..are you okay sir? Do you need medical help?” The staffer looked very concerned.

“I’ll be fine. Thank you for the information. I have to attend this meeting now. Don’t worry, we’ll find a solution for it.” He wished he could believe those words himself.

The president got a hold of himself, then pushed open the door to see the entire Whitehouse media team, along with his VP, sitting in their places around the oval table, leaving the seat at the head open for the President himself. He sat in his place.

“Sir, if I may ask, why don’t we have anyone from DoCA or DoI here?” Paul was the first to say.

“Because they’re busy doing work that’s actually important, now stop interrupting, Paul.” SColbert quickly silenced the known troublemaker of the staff. The President skimmed the data sheets in front of him, then looked around at his staff members.

“So what options do we have?” Bubblar asked. Krapis had a manilla folder with even more data ready and open in front of him when he spoke.

“I was looking through these infection reports, and I saw that BSP has not had a single case of the virus since the start of the pandemic. So I got curious and looked into potential causes, and figured out that group has been almost completely isolated from the rest of the country! They’ve been practicing proper social distancing all along! If this virus goes deadly, they may be the only eAmericans to survive this thing.” Tyler listened with great interest.

“We could use that to deflect from the Coop rumor. Give the people another boogeyman to chase..” Wilker chimed in. “This could save the entire administration!”

“I don’t think that’ll work.” SColbert was the one to speak this time. “There are plenty of anti-government factions involved in spreading this rumor. If we just blame another political party, they may try to unite with that party against us. No, it needs to be a member of our team. We need a fall man.” They all looked at Paul.

“Awww, come on, why me??”

“Are you volunteering, Paul?” The young troublemaker made a huff as Colbert spoke to him. Tyler decided it was time for him to weigh in.

“I can give you a Presidential pardon during my second term, after all this blows over and the media shifts their focus to some other stupid thing. And we’ll even throw in a beach house as compensation for the jail time.” He lied. Paul was twiddling his thumbs nervously, and couldn’t seem to bring his eyes up to meet anyone else in the room.

“That sounds like a yes to me.” Wilker said.

The following week saw a speedy investigation of the bio-multi-terrorist Paul Proteus. He was found unanimously guilty by a jury of his peers and given the death sentence by a judge. He was guillotined on the whitehouse lawn. The event was livestreamed, and got nearly 100m viewers, netting a $12m increase in both DoCA and DoI funding from the superchats. Following this, the angel of death just kinda forgot to pick up his soul, so he now gets to haunt the white house for all eternity while attempting to matter. So that’s fun.

[WHPR] The Virus

:These links apparently still work! Nice!:

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