【推廣/歌詞】無派包紳士報 vol.71 ハロウィンと夜の物語 (with English ver.)

Day 2,170, 20:17 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by SORA Chung

聽說萬聖節快到了,剛好最近Sound Horizon出了新的專輯,就浮上來推坑了!


1.群星璀璨之夜 / 星の綺麗な夜
2.通宵達旦慶萬聖 / 朝までハロウィン
3.晚安萊尼 / おやすみレニー


那麼,希望各位能享受這次Sound Horizon的新專輯-『ハロウィンと夜の物語(萬聖節與夜晚的故事)』

I've heard that Halloween is about to come, and the Music groups "Sound Horizon" just issue their now album, that's why I come here!

This album has 3 songs:

1.Hoshi no Kirei na Yoru(Starry night) / 星の綺麗な夜
2.Asa made Halloween(Halloween until the morning) / 朝までハロウィン
3.oyasumi Reni(Goodnight,Lenny) / おやすみレニー

I've post all the lyrics. I have to say sorry to you English users, my Youtube link only has Chinese lyrics with it...but you can still use the lyrics I poste😛)

Now, hope you guys can enjoy Sound Horizon's new album 『ハロウィンと夜の物語(Story of the night and Halloween)』

ハロウィンと夜の物語(Halloween to Yoru no Monogatari)


■Album:ハロウィンと夜の物語(Halloween to Yoru no Monogatari)
■Vocals & Voices:
Lenny with the Night、木村花代
■Choruses & Voices:
Daisy×Daisy (MiKA)、Joelle、木村花代、栗林みな実、沢城みゆき
Ike Nelson
合唱団響-Kyo-[栗友会]&Ensemble 音の葉(Choir/指揮:木場義則)

1.星の綺麗な夜 (Hoshi no Kirei na Yoru)

And in the darkness that didn’t have a name…
The story revolving around halloween and the night...was about to begin quietly...

The people who forwared in the dark.
The solitary man was looking at them.

He sang the love song,or only sounded the lung song.
Oh! And the wind duried it so in vain.

((愛しい人よ)) Diana
もう一度 君に会いたいと願う
辿り着ける だろうか

我的愛人啊(黛安娜)… 我不斷祈禱… 希望能與你重逢…
這心願就是… 【不可饒恕的罪惡】(罪孽)嗎…
追隨這隊伍前行… 就真的… 能够抵達嗎…

(My Beloved)[Diana]....I wish to see you...once more...

Are these feelings of mine...(Unforgivable Sins)...

Would I be able to reach you...if I...follow that procession?

The story of Halloween and the night
The early 19th century, there was an eccentric man who sailed from Great Britain to Ireland.
As if to go against a new wave of industrial revolution


とち狂って 海渡って

天に祈って 鍬を取って

做石工的爺爺遭人唆使 ← 說是當了農民就不怕沒飯吃
昏了頭… 渡了海… 拿起了鋤頭…

拙劣的石工雖說是生意慘淡 → 那也比當農民要好太多
一邊對天禱告… 一邊執起鋤頭… 耕耘着大地…

The old stonecutter was convinced (- that if you become a farmer, you'd never worry about making a living

Like the idiot he is...he crossed the sea...with a hoe in his hands, or so it was told…

A lousy stonecutter is good for nothing -) but still better than being a farmer

Even if he prays to the heavens...takes a hoe in his hands...and farm the land…

((爺の孫にあたる男)) (男)は

可是對我微笑的唯有不幸 拼命耕種的馬鈴薯腐爛了

Only misfortune smiles upon him, and all the potatoes he's grown just rot away

Turning into pitch black poison, oh so nasty

[The man who was a grandson] just looked upon heaven, with nobody to turn to…

The tickets that they got by betting their lives
Were those one-way tickets for their liberty
or for their deaths?


OK! イチかバチか
命を賭けた博打だ Wowow!
乗り込んだ 揺れすぎる 襤褸すぎる
熱病蔓延る棺桶船 Jesus!

夢 を抱いたまま
幻想 (夢)を見る

OK 管他三七二十一 以生命作賭注 Wowow!
乘上那 飄蕩不定 破爛不堪 熱病肆虐的棺材船 Jesus(天哪)!

高熱不退 而開始【幻覺】(夢想)…

OK! It's either all or nothing! A bet with your life on stake! Wowow!

They got on the coffin boat on which fever spreads; it shakes too much, and is way too shabby. Jesus!

Bearing (Hope)[dreams] in their hearts, they become [The Second Prisoners][ones never to return]...

Out of 5 people, one of them is…

Gonna have (delusions)[dreams] while high on fever…

And they were gone far away…(然後他們就前往了遠方)

The dream of the country of liberty.
That principle was the cause of a great number of battlefields.
Like which we sing aloud.
Manifest Destiny
【昭昭天命】(Manifest Destiny)

まさに パンのあるところに祖国あり
押し寄せた 移民の群れは
新天地に 夢を賭けた
辺境 (frontier)を
馬と銃で 西方へと追いやった

蜂擁而至的 大批移民者 將夢想 寄托在新天地上
提槍策馬 將【邊境線】(frontier) 向西方推去

"Home is where the bread lies" indeed

The masses of immigrants bet their dreams on the new world

And carrying out "the destiny bestowed by God”

They drove the (frontier) to western lands, with horses and with firearms…

In 1846, the Mexican-American war broke out.(1846年,美墨戰爭爆發。)

見晴らしのいい丘 では
猛る 竜騎兵
小銃 (musket)を取った

【視野開闊的山丘】(Buena Vista)上 勇猛的【龍騎兵】(dragoon)
放下了鋤頭的手 拿起了【步槍】(musket)

Valiant (dragoons) are on (the hill with a nice view)[Buena Vista]

Having abandoned their hoes, they now take up (small firearms)[muskets]

ーー人種 信仰 国籍 etc
移民の男 (男)は
聖書 (バイブル)よりも
実利ある日々の糧 (パン)を選んだ
そして… ((聖パトリック大隊所属の同胞))
(St.Patrick battalion)

((第八の軌跡 明白なる天命))
Manifest destiny

身為同胞的自覺 已拋卻在何方?
——人種… 信仰… 國籍… etc…
之後 將槍口對準了 【聖帕特里克大隊的同胞】(Saint Patrick's Battalion)們…

第八之軌迹(輪回往復的) 【昭昭天命】(Manifest Destiny)

Where are their feelings of kinship?


[The immigrant men] chose (profitable daily bread) over the (bible)

And...(their kins from the st. patrick battalion) shot them to death...




[It continues to revolve]

(Manifest destiny)

The rush for the gold
Yes! Let’s go dig!


洞穴 掘っても 掘っても
掘っても キリがないっ!
嗚呼 悲惨な 或いは 愉快な
視界は 奇怪な事態っ!
必死に 振っても 振っても
振っても キンが出るっ!
嗚呼 悲惨な 訳ない愉快な
世界は 未開な時代っ!

洞穴 → 怎麼挖 → 怎麼挖 → 怎麼挖 → 也沒個盡頭!
啊… 悲慘的 → 或說是 → 快樂的 → 視線中是 → 奇怪的事態! 嘿!
拼命地 篩啊篩 → 篩啊篩 → 篩啊篩 → 金子出來啦
啊 悲慘的 → 其實是 → 快樂的 → 世界正值 → 未開墾的時代! 嘿!

No matter -) how much you dig -) and dig -) and dig the holes -) there's no end to it!

Ah...it may be a -) miserable sight -) or even -) a happy sight -) a mysterious situation!

With all your might -) you swing down -) you swing down -) you swing down -) but gold still comes out!

Ah...this -) miserable -) illogical -) joyous -) world is -) a yet unexplored era!

第七の衝動 (イド)は唄う
金鉱脈大盤振る舞い (ゴールドラッシュ)だよっ!
49年組 (fourteen niner)!

一點不留 → 統統挖出 ← “第七之衝動”(Id)在歌唱
【金礦大發現】(Gold rush)啊! 全員集合! 【49淘金者】(Forty-niners)!

Dig out -) the roots (- "The Seventh Impulse"[Id] sings

It's the "gold rush!" Gather up, everyone! Us 49ers!

Whenever the error of frenzied uproar, people never ever stop their steps, even though they had much contradiction.
While he was messed around by severe fate, where would the man drift to.

弱い者集まれば より弱い者を叩く
何処まで 第三の深意に従っても
(流れても) 差別はある

第九の現実 (本当の世界)など

流れ弾に当たり 膝を砕かれ

弱者們聚集起來 將拔刀向更弱者
無論“遵從第三之深意”(流動)至何處 都存在着歧視

因為人都會軟弱怯懦 才想要緊閉雙眸
“第九之現實”(真正的世界) 不願去親眼目睹

被流彈擊中 膝蓋骨因之碎裂
覓不到正經工作 “退役的男子”(男子)過着酗酒流浪的生活……

When the weak gather, they trample on ones even weaker

No matter how much you [follow the profound meaning of the Third][go with the flow], discrimination is abound

All humans are weak and cowardly, that's why they close their eyes

They don't want to look at [the Ninth Reality][the real world]

Hit by a stray bullet, breaking his kneecap

The [retired man] is a wandering drunk, unable to find a proper job…

The life that seemed to be a long, but a short story.
It attempts to notify the one ending or beginning.

流浪の男 (男)にもひとつ

就這樣死掉也沒關係… 懷着如此想法活着…
即便是“流浪的男子”(男子)… 心中也有一道牽掛…
那便是身在【故鄉】(祖國)的… 可愛的妹妹…
微不足道的【薪水】(金錢)… 被他不斷寄出——

“I don't care when I die”...that's how he lived...

But even the [wandering man]...had but one thing on his heart...

His cute little sister...that he left behind in his (homeland)[country]...

He kept sending her money...with what pitiful amount he had-

そんな 妹思いな男
(男)にもやがて 恋人が出来た
気だての良い 女性 (lady)
ある日「良い 報告
月を経た祝福 唇を重ねたーー

這名【牽掛着妹妹的男子】(男子)也終於… 有了戀人相伴…
如月一般的微笑… 性情善良的【女性】(lady)…
這一天“有個好【消息】(news)哦”… 她輕撫小腹說道…
正是累月而得的祝福… 雙唇為之相印——

Even that [man with thoughts of his little sister]...eventually found a lover for himself…

A (lady) with a noble disposition...who smiled like the moon...

One day, she placed her hand on her belly...and said, "I have some good news♪"...

A blessing after passing months...they put their lips to each other's-

されど 第六の女神 (運命)は彼を
『第四の画面のように (背後から)刺されたーー

然而“第六之女神”(命運)卻… 並不打算將他放過…
一個無月的夜晚… “如同第四之假面一般”(從背後)被利刃襲擊——

However, the [Sixth Goddess][destiny] will not...allow him an escape...

On a moonless night...he was stabbed like [the Fourth Mask][from behind]-

ツキのない 博打人生 (game)
今際… 立ち去った影は
破落戸(ならず者)の 野心家

此時還不願平白死去… 懷着如此強烈心願…
不走運的【賭博般的人生】(game)… 正想說勝負這才開始…
彌留之際 看到離去的身影… 是惡棍(流氓)中的【野心家】(go-getter)…
為了算計所看上的女性… 這可是必要的準備——

“I don't want to die yet”...he thought with all of his heart…

His life was an endless (game show)...but this is where everything truly begins...

The fading silhouette...belongs to (an ambitious thug)[go-getter]...

It was a way to trap*...the woman he wanted a relationship with…

嗚呼 今日は 万聖節の前夜 (Halloween night)ーー

如此悲慘的夜晚… 群星卻無比璀璨…
啊… 今天是【萬聖節前夜】(Halloween Night)——

The stars are so beautiful...On such a miserable night...

Innocent laughter resounds in the distance…

Ah...today is (Halloween Night)-

これが名も無き 死にゆく男 (男)の
シェイマスだか… ウィリアムだか
もぅ 遠い昔のことさ

這就是籍籍無名的【死去的男子】(男子)… 不爲人知的“第五之故事”(Roman)…
是謝莫斯也好… 是威廉也罷…
反正都是… 很久以前的事了

This is the unknown [Fifth Story][roman]...of the nameless (dying man)...

Seamus....or William....

They're all but tales of the past…

結局 第十の意志 (天の主)は黙したまま
何となく幸せな 第一の追憶
結局 人生なんてロクなもんじゃねえ

無數次虔誠祈禱 可終究… “第十之意志”(天主)依然沈默不語…
雖說也曾有幸福的“第一之追憶”(時光) 可終究… 人生還真是不盡人意…

He offered his prayers time and time again, but in the end…[the Tenth Will][Our lord in Heaven] kept its silence...

He had a somewhat happy [First Recollection][time], but in the end...nothing good ever comes out of life...

2.朝までハロウィン (Asa made Halloween)





“When’s a good time for pranks?”

“Now’s the time!!”*

Halloween! Halloween! Trick or Treat! Hey
Halloween! Halloween! Trick or Treat! Hey
Halloween! Halloween! Trick or Treat! Hey
Halloween! Halloween! Trick or Treat! Hey

La la la …

屋根裏部屋の秘密 古いボロボロのシーツ
夕食を済ませた頃 友達がやってくる
心臓どきどき 期待でわくわく
さあ 乗り遅れるな パーティの始まりだ!


Trick or Treat!!
朝までハロウィン 続けようよ

藏在閣樓中的秘密 陳舊破爛的被單
晚餐剛結束 朋友們就聚了過來

心臟怦怦直跳?! 胸中滿懷期待!?
吶…可別來晚啦 【活動】(party)這就開始!

Trick or Treat? 不給糖,就搗蛋
徹夜的【狂歡】(Halloween) 不會停息 夜晚還沒結束呢……

The secret of the room in the attic; an old and battered bedsheet
By the time dinner’s done, all my friends are coming

I feel my heart thumping, filled with excitement
Come, you don’t want to be late! The party’s starting!

“One two!”

Trick or treat! If you’re not gonna give me a treat, I’ll play a prank on you!
It’s halloween till the morning! Let’s keep this up! The night’s not ending yet.

Halloween! Halloween! Trick or Treat! Hey
Halloween! Halloween! Trick or Treat! Hey
Halloween! Halloween! Trick or Treat! Hey
Halloween! Halloween! Trick or Treat! Hey

可愛い魔女の少女 狼の毛皮の少年
ボロボロのシーツお化け パーティは賑やかに

心臓バクバク 背筋はゾクゾク
もうひと稼ぎだぞ パーティはこれからだ!


Trick or Treat!!
楽しいハロウィン 続けようよ

著裝可愛的小魔女 身被毛皮的狼人少年
破破爛爛的被單鬼 【一行人】(party)正是熱鬧時

心臟咚咚直跳?! 手心捏着冷汗!?
又…得手一筆啦 【活動】(party)這才開始呢!

Trick or Treat? 不給糖,就搗蛋
愉快的【狂歡】(Halloween) 不會停息 夜晚還沒結束呢……

A cute witch girl; a boy clad in wolf skin
A ghost wearing battered bedsheets; what a lively party!

I feel my heart pounding, excitement sending shivers down my spine
We’re going for another round, the party’s just starting!

“One two!”

Trick or treat! If you’re not gonna give me a treat, I’ll play a prank on you!
It’s halloween till the morning! Let’s keep this up! The night’s not ending yet.

Halloween! Halloween! Trick or Treat! Hey
Halloween! Halloween! Trick or Treat! Hey
Halloween! Halloween! Trick or Treat! Hey
Halloween! Halloween! Trick or Treat! Hey
Halloween! Halloween! Trick or Treat! Hey
Halloween! Halloween! Trick or Treat! Hey
Halloween! Halloween! Hey!


Trick or Treat!! お菓子をくれよ
さあ イタズラしちゃうぞ!
朝までハロウィン! 続けようよ

Trick or Treat!!
お菓子をくれよ さあ イタズラしちゃうぞ
無邪気なハロウィン! 続けようよ

Trick or Treat! Hey

Trick or Treat!!
お菓子をくれよ さあ イタズラしちゃうぞ
朝までハロウィン! 続けようよ
夜はまだ 終わらない

夜はまだ 終わらない!

Trick or Treat!!

Trick or Treat? 不給糖,就搗蛋
大家的【狂歡】(Halloween) 不會停息 夜晚還沒結束呢……


Trick or Treat? 不給糖,就搗蛋
無上的【狂歡】(Halloween) 不會停息 夜晚還沒結束呢……


Trick or Treat? 不給糖,就搗蛋
徹夜的【狂歡】(Halloween) 不會停息 夜晚還沒結束呢?


Trick or Treat?!

“One two!”

Trick or treat! If you’re not gonna give me a treat, I’ll play a prank on you!
It’s halloween till the morning! Let’s keep this up! The night’s not ending yet.

Next house!

Trick or treat! If you’re not gonna give me a treat, I’ll play a prank on you!
It’s halloween till the morning! Let’s keep this up! The night’s not ending yet.

Next house!

Trick or treat! If you’re not gonna give me a treat, I’ll play a prank on you!
It’s halloween till the morning! Let’s keep this up! The night’s not ending yet.

The night’s not ending yet!

Last one!

Trick or Treat?!

3.おやすみレニー (Goodnight, Lenny)

The story which one lady will tell is about Kathleen Livermore, and her lovable family.

生まれつき… 病弱だった…
息子の世界は… 《寝具》ネットの上…
残された数… 誰にも告げず…
刻み続ける… 小さな胸…

自出生時起… 便病痛纏身… 兒子的世界… 限制在【床鋪】(bed)之上…
余下的歲月… 無一人知曉… 而只銘刻在… 你瘦小的胸膛上…

My son...was born sickly...and his world...was confined to his bed….

Within his small chest...his heart beats...without telling anyone...of its remaining counts…

友達が出来ない アナタが寂しくないよう
庭に色とりどりの 花を植えました
アナタの大好きな 絵本も読みましょう
いつまでも傍で 誰よりも愛しているから!

由於交不到朋友 為讓你不覺寂寞
我在庭院之中 種下了似錦繁花
我會為你誦讀 你最喜歡的繪本
也將一直伴你左右 因為你就是我的最愛!

I planted lots of colorful flowers in the garden
So that you won’t feel lonely for not being able to make friends
I’ll read you your favorite picture books too
I’ll always be by your side, because I love you more than anyone else!

苛酷な船旅が お腹の中のアナタに

希望你原諒 沒有給你一個健康身體的【母親】(我)…
艱苦的航旅 給腹中的你 帶去了怎樣沈重的負擔…

Please forgive (your mother)[me] for not birthing you in a healthier body...
The harsh voyage must have taken such a toll on you, inside my belly…

「ありがとう 《私の胎内》私
《お母さん》母にしてくれて… 本当に…
私達夫婦は… 命を掛けて《大切な宝物》あなたを…

“謝謝你”——讓我們成為【父親】(爸爸)和【母親】(媽媽)… 真心感謝你…
我們夫婦一定會… 為生死可付的【珍貴寶物】(你)… 為你帶來幸福!

“Thank you” - for choosing (my womb)[me]...
“Thank you” - for making us your (father) and (mother)...truly…
Us wife and husband...will put our lives on the line to give you...our (precious treasure), happiness!

Then, the lovable family arrived the country of liberty, America.

《大飢饉》 Oh great famine 耐えられたのは 兄の援助のお陰で
《連鎖移民》 Chain migration されど 彼の消息は知れず…

追って 《新天地》自由で 私達が最初に
住んだ街は 《黄金によって栄えた都市》金の宮古
夢の《桑港》 San Fransisco

啊 承蒙兄長的援助 我們熬過了【大饑荒】(Great Famine)
雖說成為了【連鎖移民】(chain migration) 我卻失去了他的消息…

隨後 在【新天地】(自由國度America) 我們最初的住處是
被譽為【因黃金而繁榮的都市】(黃金之都)的 夢幻般的【舊金山】(San Francisco)

We survived (the great famine) thanks to my elder brother’s support
(Chain immigration), yet his whereabouts remained unknown…

Taking after the (new world)[country of liberty - America], we first settled down
In the (city that flourished thanks to gold), what everyone dreamt of - San Francisco.

《息子》 Lennard が産まれた《朝》 時とても難産で…
《夫》しょうは泣きながら 「ありがとう」と

それからは家族三人で 寄り添うように生きてきた…
夫は薬代稼ぐ為に 身を粉にして働き
As time goes by…

【兒子】(萊昂納德)降生的【清晨】(時刻) 遭遇嚴重的難產…
【丈夫】(肖恩)帶着泣聲 喃喃低語着“謝謝你” 一邊不停地親吻着我…

之後一家三口 相依為命地生活…
丈夫為了醫藥費 不辭勞苦地工作
As time goes by(時光流轉)…

On the (morning) that (my son)[Lennard] was born, it was such a difficult delivery….
(My husband) said “thank you” in tears, and kissed me over and over again…

Since then, we’ve been living alongside each other, a family of three…
My husband[Seán] threw himself into his work to pay the medicine bills. As time goes by…

And then, the lovable family had a new encounter, that could have been good luck or bad luck.

の都合で 移り住んだ《山間の街》街で
息子を気軽に あだ名で呼ぶ

かぼちゃ頭だなんて 変てこなあだ名
でも… あなた 分かってるじゃない?

因為丈夫的【新工作】(工作) 我們移居到了【山間小街】(小街)
兒子結交了第一個朋友 是個毫無顧慮叫他綽號的孩子

南瓜頭什麽的 真是奇怪的綽號
這也是那孩子【權作100實則無數】(一百)個 可愛之處的其中之一啊!

Because of my husband’s (new job), we had to move to (a city between mountains)
There, my son made his first friend, who’d casually call him by a nickname

“Pumpkin head” - what a strange nickname
But...you understand, right?
This is but one of his adorable points, out of (what I’ll call a hundred for convenience’s sake, but is really infinity)[a hundred]!

私達はその晩… 嬉しくて…
嬉しくて… 泣きました…

那個晚上… 我們好開心… 開心地… 哭了…

That night...we were so happy...so happy...that we broke into tears…

私は結婚しても 姓が変わらなかった
何故なら 夫も同じ Livermore
縁て 不思議でしょ?

の姓も Livermore だなんて
鳴呼 神様って素敵じゃない?
とても粋な演出に この時はそう思った…

即使結了婚 我也沒有改姓
這是因為 丈夫的姓氏也是Livermore 所謂緣分 很不可思議吧?

沒想到【第一個朋友】(喬尼)的姓氏 也是Livermore
啊 神的安排很巧妙吧?
這是何等通情達理的編排 那時我這麽想着……

Even when I married, I didn’t change my last name
Why, you ask? Because my husband’s also a Livermore. Fate sure works in mysterious ways!

To think that (his first friend)[Johnny] was also a Livermore
Ah, isn’t God wonderful!

What a calculated arrangement that is! That’s what I thought back then….

私達はその晩… 可笑しくて…
可笑しくて… 泣きました…

那個晚上… 我們好高興… 高興地… 哭了…

That night...we found it so funny...so funny...that we broke into tears…

それから ジョニーと二人何を企んでたの?

那之後 你和喬尼兩人在策劃着什麽?
想當作兩人之間的秘密嗎? 但是媽媽都看穿了呢

What were you planning with Johnny after that?
You meant to keep it a secret, I’m sure,
But your mama sees through everything!

初めてのハロウィン そんなに楽しかったの?
はしゃぎ過ぎて 心臓も ビックりしちゃったのね…

第一次萬聖節 你就那麽開心嗎?
縱情地玩鬧 連心臟也 停止了跳動……

Was your first Halloween that enjoyable?
You were so excited, that your heart must’ve been taken by surprise…

お医者様が告げた アナタに残された
数字を聞いたとき 目の前が真っ暗になったけど…

あんなに楽しみにしてた 最後のハロウィンだから
散々考えて 參加を許したわ…

當我從醫生那裏 得知留給你的時光
是如此短暫時 眼前已是一片漆黑……

但因為是你期待許久的 最後的萬聖節
種種考慮後 還是同意你參加了……

When I heard the doctor tell me the number
Representing how much you have left, my vision turned pitch-black…

But you were looking forward to your last halloween so much
That, after a great deal of thought, I finally allowed you to join…

私達はそう決めたの 誰のことも恨まないと
《運命》も《友達》 Johnny も 自分達も含めて
あの子の寝顔が 笑っていたから…

おやすみレニー 今日はいくつ お菓子もらった?
寝る前に歯を磨くのよ… じゃなきゃ…

我們是自己決定的 就不會怨恨任何人
無論《命運》(神) 還是《朋友》(喬尼) 抑或是我們自己
因為那孩子的睡顏 浮現出如此燦爛的笑容……

晚安萊尼 今天收獲了多少糖果?
睡前記得刷牙哦… 不然的話… 會長蟲牙的!

We’ve decided to not bear grudges against anyone
Nor (destiny)[God], nor (the friend)[Johnny], nor ourselves
Because that child had a smile on his face as he slept….

-Good night.
Good night, Lenny. How many candies did you get today?
You should brush your teeth before you sleep...or else...you’ll get a toothache!



I think that he’s still somewhere out there, enjoying the Halloween that never came to an end…
If you ever see a boy whose head looks like a pumpkin, that might be Lenny!
This is the end of my tale.

I don’t care if you think that everything’s made up. Even then…
Just three seconds. Three seconds before you sleep.
In that one instant, can you forget all your troubles, all your hatred, all your sadness...and say this?

Good night.



Another thing I have to apologize, that is I don't have too much pictures this time, because of this article doesn't fit with that, sorry guys.

N.A.C.J.A.C 聯合報業

Alpaca       無派包紳士報     Klonoa's Paper Moon

雞報        貓抱報        月之星日報

coffee sama no kimochi Gloomy Days     花媽

Procession to Peace  森様         M4 Tank Times

福爾摩沙小報    多里斯繪報        申報

夢報        Voice of Grievance   Sanitary sewer