[USWP] Ideas for America!

Day 1,922, 12:03 Published in USA Hungary by JyM23

I’m going to start by quoting the preamble to the USWP Constitution:

“In the interests of workers, consumers, employers, managers, and all citizens of the eUnited States, the United States Workers Party exists to promote fairness, justice, and an egalitarian society. The United States Workers Party promotes a workers society, strengthening the American economy, bringing accountability to government and prosperity for all. With the recognition that all eAmericans are workers, the United States Workers Party advocates for equality and justice for all.”

These words were written more than four years ago, when this game was very different. I, like most of you, was not around at that time. I never experienced the exuberant hope that the young e-world had to offer when the economy worked, wars were planned and waged strategically and gameplay involved a lot more thinking in general. It was said that eRep offered a true second life, and our predecessors attempted to build an e-nation that would reflect many of our beliefs from RL. They founded an eUS that we can all be proud of.

Since then, times have changed. The economic module is borked and low on the Admin’s list of priorities. Strategy has been removed from wars, which were made constant with NE bonuses and autoattack, all in an attempt to turn a more well-rounded and meaningful gaming experience into a cash cow that feeds on repressed feelings of anger and even hate based on historical RL grievances. As a consequence, the eUS had to change as well.

We have adapted our tax structure to provide maximum benefit to the government and communes, to the detriment of individual players. There have been numerous arguments about this decision and I am fairly convinced that all things being equal this is the most efficient way to get the best bang for our buck on the battlefield. As well this system has another effect: it’s just another way to discourage foreigners from coming to the eUS where they are easy prey for RGR and his latest PTO group.

In the early days of eRep, before eSerbia appeared on the map and ePoland had its first big baby boom, the eUS was the place to be. From what I understand we pretty much had the largest population, strongest army and best economy in the whole e-world. Even a year ago, we were sitting on stable 10/10 bonuses and swimming in cash. Unfortunately, this had to be sacrificed too. It’s been shown that giving up our bonuses has cut back on the ability of the AFA to recruit from overseas, where many of the countries that our PTOvers come from have more bonuses than we do.

It’s time to get back to being America!

“…fairness, justice, and an egalitarian society”

YES! I believe in promoting self-reliance. I know that buying companies is a waste of perfectly good gold and the ROI is like forever, but I also believe that an independent, self-reliant gamer is a happy gamer and will continue to play longer. It’s an investment in the future. If you work in a commune all your e-life, you might wake up one day and realise you’ve spent a year or two fog ducking and the dude who was your boss and way richer than you then is still your boss and way richer than you now. You’ve gotten exactly nowhere and are nothing without your commune.


Well, we may not need to lower taxes. Perhaps we can develop a loan program sponsored by MU’s or the government where the loan is given for a specific purpose such as buying raw materials farms/mines or starting/upgrading a company. The investment should be made ASAP in younger players. The big hurdle is trust, that’s why I imagine MUs would be best at administering this.

“…prosperity for all.”

YES! I believe in regaining 10/10 resource bonuses. The geopolitical climate has shifted. CoT members states have made it clear to their citizens and co-nationals with eUS citizenship that membership in the AFA is unacceptable. We’ve even had official government articles from both eHungary and eSerbia recalling their PTOvers. Is the threat over? No. While old enemies star to normalize their relations with us, old friends have turned sour. None the less, the threat posed by the AFA is starting to subside and many who are still members are there because they legitimately disagree with the loss of bonuses and a perceived monopoly on power by the “elites”. We need to reach out to these citizens.


Currently there’s a disincentive in place to discourage people from joining the AFA. They don’t get supplied. We need to offer an incentive for leaving: bonuses! Let’s have a drive to lower membership. We can negotiate to get Canadian Spanish deer. If the AFA receives 200 fewer votes than a month ago and the other top four see an increase, we follow through. This will need to be supported by the gov, articles will need to be written and votes will need to be bought. I think we’re up to the task. We can start with this and build from there. The goal is to unify the nation and get our bonuses back. If the AFA leadership feels pressure and see votes leaving, they may start to compromise and negotiate in good faith as well. It’s just an idea; maybe you have a better one.

“…exists to promote…”

YES! I believe in posting mildly arousing images as a cheap ploy to attract votes, subscriptions and hopefully even shouts.


By typing [img](pasting image URL here)[/img].

If you liked the article and are currently a member of the AFA, please join one of the other top 5 parties, then speak out. Let your voice be counted, you ARE the change.

Together we can bring back the America we all want.
