[Update] New Wars page - Filters and Presets + UI fix ;)

Day 4,576, 22:41 Published in Turkey Austria by Rabbit of Caerbannog

Dear all,

There has been a lot of talk about Wars page UI, but I noticed not all have clicked a bit deeper into the same page, on Filters and Presets that can be saved.

So here is the article about those 2 options available in the new Wars page, and I hope you will find it useful. I will not talk about the UI, we all have said more than enough in past few days since the change was introduced 😃 and I want to focus on the positive sides here 😉

SEARCH field

When you navigate to the Wars page, first you will find the Search field with various options you can enter manually / select. The only thing I consider missing here is search by regions - all the rest I could think of was possible to search and results returned as expected.
Workaround to find a specific region: Remove all filters and use Ctrl+F / Find on page option in your browsers..


Below the Search field you will find the FILTERS menu with its submenu options. Available options to pick are War, Battlezone, Progress, Allies, Countries, and Personal.

Direct War
Resistance War
Civil War

Aircraft Battle
Ground Battle

Cold Battle
Full Scale Battle
Epic Battle
Fresh Battle
Early Battle
Late Battle

List of the ingame alliances followed by the list of countries

NOTE: For those who still don’t know, list of the current alliances and countries that are part of them is available on this link: https://www.erepublik.com/en/main/rankings-alliances

My Location
My Location + Allies
My Country
My Country + Allies
Followed by the list of eCountries (Alphabetical order)

My contributions
Daily Order
No Travel Required
Combat Orders 🙂
Mercenary Medal
Freedom Fighter Medal
True Patriot Medal

NOTE: Multiple options are available for entering into Search filter manually / selecting them from different Filter submenus:


Presets allow you to create your own personal ‘filters’ that you use more or less often. Available options are:
Create new preset
Save preset
Update preset

NOTE: There is a limit of 5 presets that you can create.

Create Preset
After selecting few of available Filter options, on the right side you will notice ‘star’ button - Create preset:

Save Preset
By selecting Create preset button, you will get a pop-up window where you enter Preset name and confirm on the button Save.

Example of Preset I find very useful for new players and returners (and all the rest working on their Air rank) is Aircraft Battle + Daily Order:

Update Preset / Save as new

By clicking on the previously saved preset on the Presets list (and optionally adding another filtering option into the search field manually), you will get an option to Update preset:

You can then Update preset name, remove added options (by clicking on X next to the one of filter options), and Save as new or Update existing preset you have selected in the first step.

In case if no battles are shown, select option for clearing all filters (and start again) 😉

End note and the UI fix by Curlybear..

For all those who can’t get over the new UI, check if you like how this looks - https://gyazo.com/bd131ec37102145d2dda972f70817049 - and if you do, send some love to Curlybear for creating this js: https://curlybear.eu/erep/warspage+.user.js

NOTE: You will need to use Tampermonkey - userscript manager that is available as a browser extension

Thank you for reading, hope some of you will find this article useful 😉 Endorse, vote, subscribe if you want to show your support in that way 😉
Have a nice day and feel free to leave your comments (questions or anything else related to the Wars page 😉)

Samo jako!
Samo pozitivno!
is in the

Yours truly (and still smiling 😁 )
Rabbit of Caerbannog