[UKPP] Congress update, UKPP going forwards and Our CP Stance.

Day 2,022, 08:26 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by BeeDeeCollecter


As spokesperson for UKPP I would like to welcome you to what will inevitably be either the best, or the worst article you read in the next half hour.

Firstly congratulations are in order to our new congress team, in particular to Growl01, who has entered his very first term.


As a UKPP congressman, it is important to let you, the public, know just how we are voting. So here is a quick rundown of just how votes have been placed since this term began. For ease of reading I will not explain why these were voted that way, but feel free to ask in the comments, and I will explain.

VAT & Import Taxes: Defense System. From 1% to 3% : NO

Minimum Wage. 0.1 GBP to 5GBP : NO

Income Tax. 5% to 9% : NO

VAT & Import Taxes: Food. 75% to 70% : NO

Natural Enemy. Germany. : YES

MPP Colombia : YES

MPP Slovenia : YES

Issue Money. 0GBP for 0 gold : NO

Natural Enemy. Denmark : YES

UKPP Going Forwards and Our CP Stance

As well all know, UKPP was taken hostage a few months back and lost a good number of members. A further blow came to pass when our next PP Alexandre Abrantes sadly passed away. This month our PP has been Richard Feist, who has worked to rebuild UKPP from the ashes. I contacted him to get his opinion on the UKPP going forward, and to discover what our stance was on the CP debate.

'The UKPP has taken a month to consolidate its position and try and build back up its sense of community. With our strong congress showing [thanks in part to ESO 😉] we have started down this route.

CP wise the UKPP has taken the position to allow a free vote. This means that the party will not officially support any specific candidate but will instead allow party members to vote for who they want. This is in line with long term UKPP policy'

Thank you for reading this rather long article, I leave you now with the customary links to UKPP pages.

- BeeDeeCollecter

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