[The Definitive Investigation 2] Sequel Boogaloo

Day 3,867, 04:10 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Rob the Bruce
Suitably dramatic backing music

alternatively just have some cannon noises idc

Magnet Basics

Magnets can either attract or repel each other.
A permanent magnet is an object that produces a magnetic field around itself. It is this field that enables them to stick to each other and to some types of metal. Specifically, they stick to ferromagnetic materials like iron and things that contain iron, such as steel. This includes everything from your car's steel body to your refrigerator door. They're also attracted to nickel and cobalt, and a few other rare-earth elements.

Magnets won't stick to most other types of metal, including aluminum or copper.

When will magnets attract or repel each other?
The rule to remember is that opposites attract. Every magnet has both a North and a South pole. When you place the North pole of one magnet near the South pole of another magnet, they are attracted to one another.

When you place like poles of two magnets near each other (North to North or South to South), they will repel each other.

That's how they work, but why?
The best Physics questions are often the most basic. Why do magnets act the way they do? The question is both simple and complicated, with some parts of it yet to be truly understood. It's similar to asking: Why does gravity work the way it does? Physics studies and models this phenomenon.

Electromagnetism is one of the four basic forces in the universe: electromagnetism, gravity, and strong and weak nuclear forces. It describes the force that's the result of the interaction between two charged particles. If that sounds too much like something a Physicist would say, it should! After all, thinking about some of the theoretical implications of electromagnetism led Albert Einstein to develop special relativity in 1905.

TL😉R it gets weird after that

Further reading
Even further reading

Here's a wonky diagram of the earth's magnetic field to make the article more intellectual even tho it's literally a copypasta from a blog for kids:

I don't think magnets are racist.

Thanks for listening.