[TB4CP] Butter for All!!

Day 4,545, 21:08 Published in USA USA by Tyler Bubblar

A crucial part of any successful Presidential Administration is the assembling of a team. As I have said in my last article a big problem we have here in the eUSA is too few doing too much. In my past terms at the helm of our nation I strived to build a team that spanned across Party lines and ideology. I wanted to build a team of rivals in order to prove that we can bridge the divides that plague our community. I strongly believe the teams of rivals assembled in the past were an absolute success. With those past accomplishments in mind I sought to do the same thing today. My goal going in was to have representation for the top 5 in my Cabinet. I was unsuccessful at least as of this moment. I have offers pending to the BSP that so far have gone unanswered. I write this not to call them out or put them on the spot,but to be clear that any members of the Black Sheep Party that want to be involved at the Executive level are more than welcome.

Assembling a team that will help execute a plan of Inclusion, Transparency, and Engagement is always a rewarding experience. Point of fact it is one of my favorite parts of the grind that is campaigning for Country President of the eUSA. Before introducing the individuals who so graciously agreed to be a part of a Tyler Bubblar Administration I would like to explain a little bit about how we will do things. I am not a helicopter President. I give an outline or a goal of what I would like to see done, but I absolutely give those I have entrusted to work in their respective Departments to do it the best way they feel their talents and abilities can accomplish said goal. I do not expect them to agree with me or each other all of the time. Nor do I see it as untenable if I don’t agree with them on things. I do not surround myself with yes men. Feedback and advice is always welcome even if it doesn’t fit my own views. With that…..

Vice President: SColbert

One of my oldest friends in eRepublik. He and I came up right around the same time. After years of working together for the betterment of the eUSA I trust him implicitly. He has always been a strong supporter when I have run for Speaker/CP and we have worked closely together when we are both in positions of leadership in our respective Parties. To me SColbert embodies the values espoused by the USWP. I look forward to the day he runs for CP so I can return the favor of the support he has always given me.

Chief of Staff: Dmjohnston

Another old friend. I was DMJ’s Vice President during his two CP terms circa 2014. He in turn helped me win my first terms as CP in succeeding him. Over the years I have come to admire his down to earth style. For a long time DMJ was not just a choice but THE choice for Secretary of Defense. He excelled in that post beyond anything I have ever seen. I know DMJ will excel in keeping us all publishing articles, administering programs, communicating with Congress, and just establishing the culture I have been writing about.

I will be doing this Cabinet article a little bit differently. We will still have Departments with Secretaries as the titular head, but I have assembled teams. Domestic and Foreign Affairs/NSC. I will introduce you to the butter aspect of this prospective Guns and Butter Administration first.

Domestic Team:

Wilker Nath, a recently returned player looking to reinvent himself. I have been impressed with Wilker’s articles he’s been gracing the media module with as of late. He has graciously accepted the challenging Secretary of Media post. He has a lot of great ideas for reviving the old tutorials and possibly creating new ones that we will once again publish with regularity.

Wilhelm Rontgen, Max has big plans for the Department of Citizen Affairs. We are going to engage and help the citizens of the eUSA in a manner that has not been seen in many years.

KingTaco, has also graced the media module with lottery articles. When I asked him about joining the domestic team he pointed out the duties of such a post are not all that different from what he is doing now. Which is why he will be perfect as Secretary of the Interior. He will be hosting games, giveaways, and lotteries galore.

Paul Proteus, I can’t say enough about Paul. He is just one of the best people. He is smart, patient, thoughtful, wise, and a fantastic writer. He has a style of writing that is entertaining, fun, and informative without being overbearing or too whimsical. I have asked Paul to be my Press Secretary. This is not to be confused with the Secretary of Media. Paul will add to a thread on the Public Section of the Executive Boards ( once we have them reinstated) that will sum up the events and discussions within the PDB. I will ask the SecMed to periodically publish those briefings in the WHPR, this will allow us to be transparent even with those who eschew the eUSA forums.

Melissa Rose, and I have worked together as often as we have fought over the years. We are not enemies, we are friends, we just have sometimes disagreed with each other strongly enough that we have lost sight of that for a while. She and I have always accomplished more when we work together. She is amazing and talented in so many ways. She is coming on as a Domestic Adviser. Once upon a time she and I both learned at the feet of the legendary Media giant Custer. In so many ways she embodies the style of Custer but with her own sense of self and flair. She will be working to pass that wisdom on to the domestic team.

hcmadman, did not want a title but graciously agreed to help out in the domestic arena. I like his style and articles. He will be a strong addition to the team. Deep Space K9, will be working with Wilker Nath on the WHPR. It is always exciting to see a new player get involved. Mieshaand Herr Vootsman, have been running the CRAP program. They do a great job. Full disclosure, I have not spoken to them, but I do hope to keep them on.

I had planned on doing the entire team in one article, however, this article has already grown to a more than decent size. I do not intend for these articles to be this verbose, but once I sit down at the computer and my fingers start typing it just gets away from me. I will publish the names and talents of the individuals who have agreed to be part of the rebuilt State and NSC teams along with a general outline of what we hope to accomplish in my next article. I do thank you as always for taking the time to read. Until next time please consider voting Tyler Bubblar for President of the eUSA on May 5, 2020.