[ RO/EN ] Pentru toti romanii din eUSA : Leave AFA

Day 1,888, 04:58 Published in USA Romania by addarian
[ RO ] Buna ziua ,

-Scriu acest articol din dorinta de a explica fiecarui roman din eUSA cum sunt percepute actiunile lui de catre americani si ce efect au ele asupra situatie eRomaniei pe plan global.
- USA, din tara pro-Eden avand un MPP cu Romania si Croatia, a devenit (sau va deveni) tara membra COT si asta si din cauza noastra , a romanilor care au fost sau sunt membri AFA , care prin prezenta si actiunilor lor au contribuit la ascensiunea AFA .
-Inca nu este prea tarziu sa reparam greselilele trecutului , trebuie sa ne recunoastem greselile si sa PARASIM partidul AFA . Nu trebuie sa mai existe nici un membru roman in AFA .
- Exista o multime de partide in eUSA in care va puteti inscrie , iar eu ca purtator de cuvant al partidului Vox Populi va invit sa va alaturati noua http://www.erepublik.com/fr/party/vox-populi-3910/1.
- Parasiti AFA si impreuna putem schimba imaginea romanilor in USA si viitorul militar si politic al eUSA ( imi este dor de vremurile cand luptam impreuna impotriva ONE )


[EN] Hello,

- I’m writing this article to explain to each Romanian in the USA how are his actions perceived by the Americans and what is the effect of this actions on eRomania in general.
- USA changed (or will sonly change) from a pro-Eden country with a MPP with Romania and Croatia into a COT member country and this is because of all of us, Romanians who were AFA members, who by their presence and actions contributed to the growth of AFA.
- It is not too late to fix our past mistakes; we need to admit those mistakes and LEAVE AFA. No Romanian should remain member of AFA.
- There are many eUSA parties you can join, and as representative of the Vox Populi Party invite you to join our Party http://www.erepublik.com/fr/party/vox-populi-3910/1.
- Leave AFA and together we can change the image of the Romanians in the USA and the military and political future of eUSA (I missed the times when we used to fight together against ONE).


07 addarian