[無名報]伍玖刊:Protectors of Nations

Day 5,036, 12:48 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by OMR.Ding








Protectors of Nations

Years ago we introduced the Legends ranks to celebrate citizens that went above the line of duty when fighting to free their country from oppressors or expand its territory. During that time the ranks and the damage bonus that came with them became synonymous with success, endurance and commitment.

As years went by, friends turned foes, new friendships blossomed and allegiances shifted. Legends bonuses remained, however, set in stone, crippling the efforts of Legendary Citizens in their quest to lend a hand to their adoptive countries.

Today we are announcing a new feature that will allow citizens to gain the equivalent of Legend rank bonuses in all the countries that matter to them: Protectors of Nations.

今天雞將宣布一項新功能,該功能將允許玩家在所有對他們而言重要的國家獲得等同於傳奇的獎勵:國家保護者(Protectors of Nations)

Protectors at a glance

Citizens that have proven their allegiance to a country will be able to accumulate Protector Points that count towards their progress to unlock Protector Points for that country.

已證明對某一國家效忠的玩家將能夠累計保護點數(Protector Points),這些點數將會解鎖對那些國家的保護等級(protector levels)

Unlocking Protector levels rewards the player with an extra damage bonus for that country.


The Legend rank extra damage will be migrated to protector levels. After the migration all citizens who reached the Legends of the New World ranks will have the same or higher bonuses.


The amount of protector points gained depends on the damage deployed, the country you fight for (with multipliers when fighting for the country of citizenship or for its allies), and the vehicle used during the deployment.

Vehicles and Armory

Protector progress is tightly related to your vehicles. In order to show your allegiance to a country, you will be able to enroll one of your vehicles to its Armed Forces.

保護者的進度與您的運載工具密切連繫。為了表示您對某一國家效忠,您將能登記您的一輛運載工具至其國軍(Armed Forces)。

Fighting with an enrolled vehicle for the country of enrollment allows you to gather Protector Points for that country, as well as benefit from your Protector Level in that country.


You can enroll up to 3 vehicles per military branch (Air/Ground) for each country, but keep in mind that having more vehicles enrolled for one country does not translate into higher Protector bonuses, as you will only be deploying 1 vehicle.


Apart from vehicles that were obtained by completing special events, the common vehicles that you unlock by progressing through divisions will be available. This means that if you feel nostalgic for your old light military 4x4 from Division 2, you’ll be able to give it a spin even as a Division 4 fighter.


The collectors among you will also have the option to complete their vehicle collection by collecting special blueprints and building some of those elusive vehicles from scratch.


You will be able to enroll & build vehicles in the Armory. The Armory replaces the Garage and also offers all the tools and info you need to manage your protector progress.




Legend Damage Bonus Migration


Each “Legends” Military Rank currently comes with 2 distinct damage bonuses:
the common damage bonus that is unlocked with every new Military Rank (available no matter the side you fight for),
and a special damage bonus of 10% when fighting for the country you reached the milestones in.

Only the special country damage bonus will be migrated to Protectors bonus.
Each citizen will receive a number of Ground Protector points equal to the number of the military rank points he currently has for the country of citizenship. Similarly, Air Protector points will be received based on current aircraft rank points.

For citizens who have achieved Legend ranks in countries other than the country of citizenship, each country will receive protector points equivalent to the rank points required to reach each legend rank.

Your protector levels are available in the dedicated section of the Armory.

For instance:
A citizen with 1,000,000 Ground Military Rank Points and 150,000 Air Military Rank Points will receive 1,000,000 Ground Protector Points and 150,000 Air Protector Points which count for his Protector levels in his country of citizenship (for air and ground respectively).

一個玩家有 1,000,000 地面軍銜點數 及 150,000 空中軍銜點數 將會獲得 1,000,000 地面保護數 及 150,000 空中保護點數 ,這些點數將會計入到其國籍(分別為空中及地面)的保護等級。

A citizen who achieved Legend IV Military Rank and has 53 billion rank points, will receive protector points as following:
- 20 billion points for the Legend I country
- 10 billion points each for the Legend II, III and IV countries respectively
- 3 billion points for their current citizenship country

獲得了傳奇四軍銜等級 以及 530億的玩家將會獲得以下保護點數:

- 200億 點數 於 傳奇一階積分(某個國家)
- 100億 點數 於 傳奇二階、三階及四階(於某個國家)
- 30億 點數 於他當前的國籍國家。
Fighting as Protector
In order to benefit from the protector bonus, you will need to deploy using a vehicle enrolled for the country you fight for.
You can enroll a vehicle in the Hangar section of the Armory.

If you choose to deploy without an enrolled vehicle, you will only benefit from the damage bonus given by your military rank, therefore it is important to enroll your first vehicle before deploying.

IE: A citizen with 20 Legend ranks obtained from country A, deploying with a vehicle enrolled in country A will benefit from a 200% protector damage bonus when deploying for country A. If the citizen decides to use a non-enrolled vehicle, his damage will not be subject to the protector bonus.

也就是說: 從A國家獲得了20階傳奇等級,使用在A國登記的運載工具並在A國部屬時,將會獲得200%的保護傷害加成。如果該玩家決定使用未登記的運載工具,他將不會獲得保護傷害加成。
Pilots will also benefit from protector bonuses, as the required damage for the first protector level is similar to the damage required to reach the rank of Aviator. For Ground fighters, the bonuses start at the rank of General **.

飛行員也會獲得保護點數,因此首個保衛等級會基於獲得 Aviator軍銜 所需要的點數。對於地面士兵,首個獎勵將開始於 General **軍銜。
The players who have reached the last Legends level will have their rank points above 210 Billion converted into universal ground rank points, which can be then used for any country of their choice, provided they have an enrolled vehicle for that country. The process of converting universal points to country points is irreversible.



Vehicles are required to Deploy in battles. Your current vehicles are available in the Hangar. When deploying in a battlefield, you can select the vehicle of your choice.
Unlocking, enrollment and discharging
In order to unlock a specific vehicle, a number of 10 specific blueprints for that vehicle must be collected. Once the required number of blueprints is gathered, the vehicle can be assembled in the Hangar.

In order to benefit from the protector level reached in a country, a vehicle has to be enrolled in the country's Armed Forces and used during deployments when fighting for that country.


A vehicle can only be enrolled in a single Military force at a time. But, if needed, you can choose to discharge from a country’s military and then enroll your vehicle to another one.


Please note that discharging a vehicle from a Country’s Armed Forces requires a special token.

Protector level and bonus

Progressing through protector levels enables you to unlock special damage bonuses that apply when deploying for that country.

Your current protector level and bonuses are available in the “Protectors of Nations” section of the armory.

您當前的保護等級及加成可以在軍械庫的"Protectors of Nations"區塊中找到。

Deploying (bombs not included) with an enrolled vehicle for the country allows you to collect protector points:

1. When fighting for your country of citizenship 10% of the damage dealt is converted into protector points for that country

2. When fighting for an allied country: 4% of the damage dealt is converted into protector points for that country

3. Fighting for a non-allied country: 2% of the damage dealt is converted into protector points for that country

Deploying without an enrolled vehicle: 1% of the damage dealt is converted into protector points for that country

After reaching the top protector rank in a country, 1% of the damage dealt will be converted to universal protector points that can be assigned to another country.






Additional information


You can enroll a maximum of three Tanks and three Aircraft to a country.
You do not need to have an Aircraft enroll to gain (and use) Ground Bonuses and vice versa.
You only need ONE Ground Vehicle assigned to a country to benefit from that country’s Ground Protectorate Bonuses.
You only need ONE Aircraft assigned to a country to benefit from that country’s Aircraft Protectorate Bonuses.
Multiple vehicles assigned to the same Protectorate benefit from the same Bonus.

