[PROJECT] Croatian Falcons monthly review - HR/ENG version

Day 3,976, 06:40 Published in Croatia North Korea by JoeLLL

Hrvatska verzija [ENGLISH VERSION BELOW]

Pozdrav svim eHrvaticama i eHrvatima,

Osmi tjedan je iza nas, a to znači i dodjelu mjesečnih nagrada najboljima.
U ovom članku želimo ponoviti zahtjev za Plato Fondaciju, kako je od nas zatraženo za projekt Croatian Falcons. U ovom članku ćemo dati pregled svih statistika i članaka vezano za projekt koje su objavljene u zadnja 4 tjedna [1] , [2] , [3].

Financijski pregled proteklog mjeseca:
Proteklog mjeseca projekt je dobio od Plato fondacije: 870 g, što pretvoreno u cc (1g=450cc) predstavlja 391500 cc.

Od donacija je skupljeno ukupno: 30000 cc (SexyCicko - 20000 cc i karosa 93 - 10000 cc)

Članci su endorsani s ukupno: 3800 cc

Ukupno je prikupljeno: 425300 cc

Podijeljeno je ukupno: 476000 cc

Od toga je iznos doniran od Plato fondacije predstavljao 89,3 %, a preostalih 10,7 % je financirano iz donacija i prenesenih sredstava iz prošlog mjeseca.

Utjecaj projekta Croatian Falcons na zajednicu

Projekt Croatian Falcons imao je izuzetan utjecaj na zajednicu što se prvenstveno očituje u komunikaciji i virtualnom druženju članova, prijenosu znanja i savjeta od strane starijih i iskusnijih prema mlađim i manje iskusnim članovima, međusobnoj financijskoj pomoći između članova.

Ovaj projekt je okupio mnogo igrača sa manjom snagom koji gotovo i da nemaju utjecaja u kopnenim bitkama, vratio je u igru neke igrače koji su davno prestali igrati, financijski im pomogao kroz dizanje rankova, te im vratio volju za igrom na što smo posebno ponosni.

Osnovana je i posebna grupa na telegramu za pripadnike programa, kako bi se još više olakšala komunikacija između članova.


Za naredni mjesec nisu planirane nikakve promjene ali to ne znači da ih neće ni biti, kvalitetne i korisne promjene uvijek su dobrodošle, tako da ako imate neku ideju kako poboljšati projekt slobodno se izjasnite.

Osvrt na Plato fondaciju

Iako sam voditelj projekta tek 2 tjedna, primjetio sam jedan mali nedostatak, ne postoji nikakva obavijest u slučaju donacije zlata na račun voditelja projekta, bilo bi dobro kad bi se voditelja obavijestilo barem porukom o tome da je iznos uplaćen na račun.

Ako si pilot i želiš se pridružiti projektu, možeš pročitati ovaj članak i pristupiti projektu. Također, ako se ne želiš pridružiti projektu a voliš se boriti u zračnim bitkama možeš se pridružiti vojnoj jedinici.

Želimo skrenuti pozornost svim starim i novim igračima koji su se pridružili projektu, da pročitaju pravila ovdje.

Svaki utorak ćemo donirati određeni iznos valute od vašeg doprinosa u zračnim bitkama.

Kao članovi HRVATSKIH SOKOLA, svaki utorak čekat ćemo reset tjednog poretka, gdje ćemo vidjeti koliko ste napravili štete i killova u zračnim bitkama. Dobit ćete određeni iznos valute sukladno vašem doprinosu u zračnim bitkama.

Lista donacija za osmi tjedan Hrvatskih Sokola:

JoeLLL 4500 cc

Top 5 po killovima u zračnim bitkama su:

Igrač Gorki61_istra nije u projektu - došao je u MU podržati projekt. Igrači Prime Number i vratarx nisu prijavljeni u projekt i stoga neće dobiti nagradu, ali nam je drago vidjeti igrača poput njih u našem MU, stoga možemo reći da su i oni došli podržati projekt. Tako su osmi tjedan top 5 po killovima:
- od Airman do CMS*: nezwo26, JoeLLL, BouliOS, Mare2407 i Riss303.

JoeLLL 2000 cc

- od CMS** do Air Commodore: DzontraVolta, therapyvtc, majic01, Ceki101 i biginner

Top 3 po šteti u zračnim bitkama za osmi tjedan su:

- od Airman do CMS*: nezwo26, JoeLLL i Mare2407.

JoeLLL 7500 cc

- od CMS** do Air Commodore: DzontraVolta, therapyvtc i majic01

Poredak kill-ova u drugom mjesecu je sljedeći:

od Airman do CMS*: 1. mjesto nezwo26 , 2. mjesto BouliOS i 3. mjesto JoeLLL

nezwo26 će BP dobiti kada se pojavi u prodaji.

od CMS** do Air Commodore: 1. mjesto DzontraVolta, 2. mjesto therapyvtc i 3. mjesto majic01.

Ovog tjedna projekt je dobio 220g od Plato zaklade, te je igračima podijeljeno sveukupno 206000 cc.

Veliko hvala Romperu koji se pobrinuo za mjesečne nagrade te nam donirao Power Pack-ove, hvala.

Ako želite biti naš sponzor i za pomoć jačanju naše zajednice donirati određeni iznos valute, valutu slobodno možete donirati meni.

Zahvaljujemo se i igračima koji su klikom na Endorse za prethodne članke podržali projekt s ukupno 15.345 cc. Podržite projekt klikom na Endorse i ovog članka kao i one koji će biti izdani u tjednima koji slijede - tako prikupljeni iznosi bit će također usmjereni u fond nagrada za projekt.

Ukoliko imate kakvih pitanja ili prijedloga, slobodno se javite ingame porukom zapovjedniku ili na feedu MU.

Do sljedećeg puta,

English version

Hello everyone,

Eighth week is behind us, and that means giving monthly prizes to the winners.
In this article we want to submit re-application for the Plato Foundation, as it was requested for the project Croatian Falcons. In this article we will give an overview of all the statistics and articles related to the project published in the last 4 weeks [1] , [2] , [3].

Financial overview of the past month:

Last month Croatian Falcons received from the Plato Foundation: 870 g, which converted to cc (1g = 450cc) represents 391500 cc.

Donations have amounted to: 30000 cc (SexyCicko - 20000 cc and karosa 93 - 10000 cc)

Articles were endorsed with a total of: 3800 cc

Total was collecte😛 425300 cc

Total Assigne😛 476000 cc

The amount donated from the Plato Foundation represents 89,3 %, and the remaining 10,7 % was funded from donations and transfers from last month.

Influence of the Croatian Falcons Project on the Community

The Croatian Falcons project has had a tremendous impact on the community, which is primarily manifested in communication and virtual companionship of members, the transfer of knowledge and advices from older and more experienced towards younger and less experienced members to mutual financial support among members.

This project brought together a lot of players with low strength which almost did not have any impact on land battles, project has helped to return some of the players who had long since stopped playing, financially helped them through the rise of the ranks, and returned their will to play, something that we are particularly proud of.

A separate group on the telegram for members of the program was established to facilitate communication between the members.


No changes are planned for the next month, but this does not mean that there will not be any, quality and useful changes are always welcome, so if you have some ideas of how to improve the project, please make a statement.

Feedback about the Plato foundation

Although I am a project manager for only 2 weeks, I have noticed one small lack, there is no notice in the case of a donation of gold to the project manager's account, it would be good if the manager was informed at least with the message that the amount was transfered into the account.

If you are an air player, you can read this article and how to apply for the project. Also, if you don’t to want join the project and you love to fight in air battles, you can join the military unit.

All new and old players in the project, please make sure to read the rules here.

Every Tuesday we will donate you an amount of currency based on your contribution in the air battles.

As members of the CROATIAN FALCONS, every Tuesday we will wait for the reset of Weekly Leaderboards - there we will check how much damage and kills you’ve made in air battles. Based on your contribution in air battles, you will receive an amount of currency, as described in the introductory article.

List of donations for the 8th week of Croatian Falcons:

JoeLLL 4500 cc

Top 5 by kills in air battles were:

Player Gorki61_istra isn’t in the project - he joined the MU to support the project. The players Prime Number and vratarx aren’t registered in the project hence they will not receive a reward, but we are happy to see players like them in our MU - we can say they joined to support the project in this way.
Therefore, the top 5 by kills in the 8th week were:
- from Airman to CMS*: nezwo26, JoeLLL, BouliOS, Mare2407 i Riss303.

JoeLLL 2000 cc

- from CMS** to Air Commodore: DzontraVolta, therapyvtc, majic01, Ceki101. i biginner

Top 3 with the most dmg in air battles for the 8th week were:

- from Airman to CMS*: nezwo26, JoeLLL i Mare2407.

JoeLLL 7500 cc

- from CMS** to Air Commodore: DzontraVolta, therapyvtc i majic01.

At the end of the month, players with most kills are:

from Airman to CMS*: 1st place nezwo26 , 2nd place BouliOS and 3rd place JoeLLL.

nezwo26 will get his BP when it is available for purchase

from CMS** to Air Commodore: 1st place DzontraVolta, 2nd place therapyvtc and 3rd place majic01.

This week, the project received 220 g from Plato Foundation, out of which a total of 206000 cc was awarded to participants in the project.

Big thanks goes to Romper who provided Power Packs for monthly awards, thank you.

If you want to be our sponsor and help strengthen our community by making a donation in currency, feel free to make a donation to me.

Each and every contribution counts - thank you everyone who endorsed this project by endorsing one or more of articles, which contributed with total of 15,345 cc to the project.

Feel free to click the Endorse button on the left of this article as well, and of articles that were published previously (or will follow in the coming weeks) - the amount collected from endorsements will be directed towards the rewards fund for the project as well.

If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to contact the Commander via ingame message or on MU feed.

Until next time,