[PROJECT] Croatian Falcons 3rd week rewards - HR/ENG version

Day 3,941, 13:58 Published in Croatia Croatia by Rompers Tractor Rent

Hrvatska verzija [ENGLISH VERSION BELOW]

Pozdrav svim eHrvaticama i eHrvatima,

Treći tjedan Hrvatskih Sokola je prošao. U ovom tjednu je bilo razgovora na MU feedu kako bi valjalo napraviti razliku između novih igrača i “starih” koji imaju veći air rank. Stoga smo došli na ideju da napravimo dvije podjele i to na rankove - manji rankovi će imati veću mjesečnu nagradu od one s većim air rankom. Više o tome možete pogledati u ovom gdocu. Molim da svaki prijedlog vezan uz ovu promjenu napišete u komentarima.

Ako si pilot i želiš se pridružiti projektu, možeš pročitati ovaj članak i pristupiti projektu. Također, ako se ne želiš pridružiti projektu a voliš se boriti u zračnim bitkama možeš se pridružiti vojnoj jedinici.

Želimo skrenuti pozornost svim starim i novim igračima koji su se pridružili projektu, da pročitaju pravila ovdje.

Svaki utorak ćemo donirati određeni iznos valute od vašeg doprinosa u zračnim bitkama.

Kao članovi HRVATSKIH SOKOLA, svaki utorak čekat ćemo reset tjednog poretka, gdje ćemo vidjeti koliko ste napravili štete i killova u zračnim bitkama. Dobit ćete određeni iznos valute sukladno vašem doprinosu u zračnim bitkama.

Lista donacija za treći tjedan Hrvatskih Sokola:

Top 5 po killovima u zračnim bitkama su:

Igrač Gorki61_istra nije u projektu - došao je u MU podržati projekt. Igrač Prime Number nije prijavljen u projekt i stoga neće dobiti nagradu, ali nam je drago vidjeti igrača poput njega u našem MU, stoga možemo reći da je i on došao podržati projekt. Tako su treći tjedan top 5 po killovima: Ceki101., majic01, nezwo26, Thunderbolt P47 i BouliOS.

Top 3 po šteti u zračnim bitkama za treći tjedan su:

Ovog tjedna projekt je dobio 250g od Plato zaklade, te je igračima podijeljeno sveukupno 94.650 cc.

Ako želite biti naš sponzor i za pomoć jačanju naše zajednice donirati određeni iznos valute, valutu slobodno možete donirati meni osobno.

Zahvaljujemo se i igračima koji su klikom na Endorse za prethodne članke podržali projekt s ukupno 8.835 cc. Podržite projekt klikom na Endorse i ovog članka kao i one koji će biti izdani u tjednima koji slijede - tako prikupljeni iznosi bit će također usmjereni u fond nagrada za projekt.

Ukoliko imate kakvih pitanja ili prijedloga, slobodno se javite ingame porukom ili na feedu MU.

Do sljedećeg puta,

English version

Hello everyone,

The 3rd week of the Croatian Falcons has passed. This week there were discussions on MU feed to make the difference between new players and "old" players who have a higher air rank. So we came up with the idea of making two divisions between the rankings, the lower ranks will have a larger monthly prize than the higher air ranks. You can read more about this in this gdoc. Please place your suggestions regarding this change in the comments.

If you are an air player, you can read this article and how to apply for the project. Also, if you don’t want join the project and you love to fight in air battles, you can join the military unit.

All new and old players in the project, please make sure to read the rules here.

Every Tuesday we will donate you an amount of currency based on your contribution in the air battles.

As members of the CROATIAN FALCONS, every Tuesday we will wait for the reset of Weekly Leaderboards - there we will check how much damage and kills you’ve made in air battles. Based on your contribution in air battles, you will receive an amount of currency, as described in the introductory article.

List of donations for the 3rd week of Croatian Falcons:

Top 5 by kills in air battles were:

Player Gorki61_istra isn’t in the project - he joined the MU to support the project. Prime Number player isn’t registered in the project hence he will not receive a reward, but we are happy to see players like him in our MU - we can say he joined to support the project in this way.
Therefore, the top 5 by kills in the third week were: Ceki101., Majic01, nezwo26, Thunderbolt P47 and BouliOS.

Top 3 with the most dmg in air battles for the 3rd week were:

This week, the project received 250 g from Plato Foundation, out of which a total of 94,650 cc was awarded to participants in the project.

If you want to be our sponsor and help strengthen our community by making a donation in currency, feel free to make a donation in currency to my account.

Each and every contribution counts - thank you everyone who endorsed this project by endorsing one or more of articles, which contributed with total of 8,835 cc to the project.

Feel free to click the Endorse button on the left of this article as well, and of articles that were published previously (or will follow in the coming weeks) - the amount collected from endorsements will be directed towards the rewards fund for the project as well.

If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to contact me via ingame message or MU feed.

Until the next time,