[Prez Sez] So you want to be a Pakistani citizen?

Day 749, 10:54 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by BGBW

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So there's been a bit of discussion on how exactly do we decide if someone deserves one of our precious Pakistani citizenships.

As this season's must have President as seen in this month GQ magazine I have come up with a solution. It is just a simple matter of brining back one of Pakistan's great traditions.

So what is it you ask? Well all you need to do is send in a video of yourself completing Bad Dudes (Arcade Version). Easy peasy lemon squeezy. I'm making it extra easy as I'm not even asking for a no death run through for Pete's sake (Hmmm… maybe that level could be used for another challenge…).

Basically if you're not a bad enough dude to rescue the president then shame on you. You might as well pack up now and make your way to the shores of the USA.